

If you'd like to learn more about the field school, please join us for an informational session:

  • Friday, November 12th, 3 p.m. via Zoom (<-click on link to join at the scheduled time).

  • Wednesday, December 8th, 12 Noon. In-person (UW Anthropology Building room 345) or via Zoom (<-click on link to join at the scheduled time)

The University of Wyoming Department of Anthropology, in collaboration with the University of Zagreb, the Croatian Ministry of Culture, and the Croatian Institute for Anthropological Research, is pleased to announce an archaeological field school to take place during the summer of 2022. This 6 credit-hour course is intended for undergraduates and is open to students from any college or university. An introduction to archaeology course (e.g., ANTH 1300 at U.W.) is a required prerequisite. No previous field experience is required or expected.Course Information & Credits: ANTH 4140-04: Archaeology Field School, 6 credit hours.

Schedule (tentative): June 23 - July 17, 2022 (not including online May 7th prep session & May 27th field training session)

Total Tuition and Fees (tentative): TBD. Approximately $3,400 field school fee plus UW tuition & fees (does not include travel to and from).

Application deadline: February 25, 2022.


Participate in excavations at two or more archaeological sites

                • Different periods: Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Late Middle Ages/Early Modern, and (tentatively) WW II.

                • Different site types: Caves, rock-shelters, alpine settlements, and battle sites.

                • Renowned faculty and instructors with diverse interests and expertise

Learn field techniques and how they are implemented at different sites

                • Survey methods as well as in-depth site excavation techniques

                • Traditional (i.e., transit, plumb bob & tape) and modern (i.e, LIDAR, total station) site mapping

                • Geophysical/remote sensing techniques including resistivity, ground penetrating radar, LIDAR and photogrammetry.

              • Artifact screening, inventory, & labeling

                • Site and artifact documentation and recording

Learn about the deep prehistory and history of south-central Europe, including:

                • The Neandertal-modern human transition

                • Human adaptations to climate change

                • Transhumance: the connections between the Adriatic sea and interior Croatia

                • Medieval fortifications, conflicts and settlement patterns; Ottoman expansion into Europe

                • 20th century warfare and conflicts

Visit other famous sites and places including

                • The Krapina Neandertal Site (including the world-class Krapina Neandertal Museum)

                • Collections of Archaeological Museum of Zagreb

                • The Pula Roman Amphitheater

                • Metulum/Viničica: Site of Octavius' defeat of the Japodians. Key event that positioned him to become Emperor Augustus.

                • Modruš: Ruins of what once had been the political and religious center of Croatia.

                • The Adriatic Sea with its famous beaches

Interested in applying? Go here.

Interested in more information? Contact Dr. Jim Ahern or Dr. Rick Weathermon