Riverside Avenue Rephotograph

Looking Northwest down Riverside Avenue

44.485997 N latitude, 73.188675 W longitude

The first photograph was taken in or around the 1930s. The second photograph was shot in September 2020. The photograph shows Riverside avenue's last bend before the bridge that goes over to the Winooski. I know this because after looking at other historical photographs, the hill off in the distance has a brick house on it, which is still there today, however as you can see above the trees have really grown up on that slope, covering the homes with leaf on. On the left side of the photo, there is a slight slope to the left, heading down to Salmon hole. The sidewalk is visible as well as a hiking path, trees, and grass. The sidewalk, path, and street lamp are all new. As ones looks to the right of the photo, one can witness a medium sized planted tree next to the road, the side walk, and one brown building with some trash out front. All this is new from the 1930s picture. The gas pumps from the original photo are gone, however there could still be a tank underneath the concert in the corner before the vegetation. The hill slope has dramatically changed from the original. What once used to be clear cut, is now a buffer zone between Colchester and Riverside Avenue.

Facing West along Riverside Avenue

44.486014 N latitude 73.189986 W longitude

The image above on the left shows riverside avenue in Burlington, VT in 2006.(Credit-Pete Chagnon) The photo next to it is from September 2020, in the same exact spot. The two photos look pretty similar, however some changes that can be noted are the amount of cars in the first parking lot o the right of the road. The one that really blocks the view is a blue and white van. Behind that is three more cars, one black, one white and one red. A major difference is the sidewalk that now exists along the right side of Riverside Avenue, which can be clearly seen in the photos. Also the automobile shop has a paved driveway, compared to the dirt one in 2006. To the left of the three cars are a few signs indicating inspections are done here. There is also a black street lamp between the signs and to the right of the road. Which used to be a telephone pole which had many cables coming off. The three buildings from the first photo are still there. On the backside of the closest building to the right, there's another street lamp over a parking lot, which looks new relative to the 2006 shot. Behind that is a wooden fence that breaks up the parking lot. Then another parking lot can be seen, with many cars parked, both fences can be seen in both photos. To the left side of the road, there is a granite curb, which meets a sidewalk, grass, and trees. As the road curves, in the back of the photo, there's medium sized trees along the road and a strand of evergreen bushes, that have been planted since the 2006 photo. In the 2006 image, one can clearly see all the buildings, however, in 2020, the vegetation that has been planted changes that. In the back of the image, there are large trees that have grown up on the slopes, while at the bottom it's a strip of grass between the residential driveway in which I was standing and the business next door.

Photo's not credited belong and were taken by Ryan Mistur