About Me

Junior GEOL Major and ENVS Minor at

The University of Vermont

Ever since I was a kid I remember spending time extended periods of times in the outdoors. I grew up in a small, rural central New York town known as Cazenovia. The forest behind my home was optimal for curious kid who wanted to explore. Experiencing four season growing up gave me plenty of different activities, I spent my time hiking, skiing, biking, skateboarding, golfing, camping, and lots of fishing. Recently over the summer, I've been trying to get off the beaten path more and by using bushwhacking and orienteering skills to see the untouched parts of the Adirondack park. During mid too late fall you can find me walking up and down creeks and rivers in New England searching for that big trout. In the winter I'm almost always skiing, if time permits. Usually you can find me speeding down Mount Ellen in the Mad River valley. I'm super interested to take this class because I think that understanding geomorphology allows ones to further understand their place within the natural world. Key issues that I'm interested in such as water use and land use are fundamental when learning about geomorphology and how changes in our practices can cause other aspects of the natural ecosystem to change as-well.

The picture on top shows me and my good friend and childhood neighbor checking our bearing in the ADK. The second picture was on my mom's birthday last year, my brother, Matt is sitting to the left of me. -Photo Credit : Ryan & Jane Mistur