Investigation of Dating Techniques

In-situ Cosmogenic Nuclide Exposure Dating: Berillium-10

The dating technique analyzing the exposure rates of the nuclide, Berillium-10 is a geochronology method that is widely used in the Geomorphology field. Earth receives many different wavelengths from the sun and those rays play a very dynamic role in Earth processes. In the atmosphere, as well as in rocks and minerals, there are an abundance of elements such as oxygen and nitrogen. The high-energy cosmic rays that enter Earth's atmosphere react with these elements and nuclides, like Berillium-10, are produced. These formations are not limited to the atmosphere. Rocks and minerals at Earth's surface are exposed to the high-energy cosmic rays, and Berillium-10 can form from oxygen within the silicate mineral, quartz. Over time, as the mineral becomes buried and no longer exposed to the cosmic rays, the nuclide will decay. This dating technique works by the collection of samples and isolation of the isotope in the sample, and then testing to quantify the amount of Berillium-10 present.

This burial technique is used as an indicator for how long a rock or mineral was at the Earth's surface and how long a rock has taken to reach the earth's surface. This method is can be used as tool for dating erosion and dating geologic, fluvial, and glacial movements. Berillium-10 exposure rates can used to investigate the size and depth of ice sheets, and their retreat/advance chronosequence. An example of how this method is used is through the field observation of moraines and glacial erratics left behind from ice sheets. The Berillium-10 data on various erratics in a certain area can indicate the rates at which the glacier retreated leaving the lone rocks exposed to cosmic rays. This method can also be used to observe fluvial sediment and burial rates, researching the transportation of fluvial sediment and erosion rates in stream or river channels. An valuable aspect of this In-situ Cosmogenic Nuclide Exposure Dating method, that was stated in a research paper on this method was that, with other methods like carbon dating, there needs to be the presence of once living, organic matter, whereas as this method is used on samples that have be exposed to cosmic rays either because of erosion exposing the sediment, or some geologic process depositing the sample.

Chlorine-36 / beryllium-10 burial dating of alluvial fan sediments associated with the Mission Creek strand of the San Andreas Fault system, California, USA

Greg Balco, Kimberly Blisniuk, and Alan Hid

Berillium-10 is frequently used as a dating technique in comparison of the ratio to Aluminimum-26. The two nuclides pairs is used because of the difference in half-life between the two, as 26-Al has a half like of 0.7 Ma compared to 10-Be's 1.4 Ma. Although this is a common method, it is not very successful for dating sediment outside that age range. For this research, they instead use Chlorine-36 and Berillium-10, which offers a much more precise burial age because this pair has a smaller half-life ratio of 0.38 Ma compared to 1.43 Ma. With that being said, Cl-36 and Be-10 do not typically occur in the same mineral as Al and Be do in quartz; however, this research finds that the production rates of Cl in potassium feldspars are similar to that of Be in quartz. Using samples of granitoid cobbles containing both feldspars and quartz in the Mission Creek area of the San Andreas Fault, they hoped to determine the age of the alluvial sediment as well as determine the origin, to analyze the movement of the fault slip over time. Corrections had to be made for Radiogenic Cl because the decay U and Th in rocks produces thermal neutrons that are captured in the 10-Cl reaction. With these considerations, they found that their data on loose clasts were less precise, but their calculations and assumptions of steady erosion for bedrock sample were consistent. This research is helpful for future research, informing the effective applications of ratio of 36-Cl/10-Be dating technique.

Beryllium-10 exposure ages of erratic boulders in southern Norway and implications for the history of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet

Brent M. Goehring, Edward J. Brook, Henriette Linge, Grant M. Raisbeck, Francoise Yiou

In Southern Norway, samples from boulders in a variety of locations were taken in order to reconstruct the thickness of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet since the last glacial maximum (LGM). The sample were from boulder erratics on glacial till, bedrock, and fractured rock from the original bedrock material. This investigation assumes that the erosion since the LGM has been a minimal impact on overall results, however, the research does take in to consideration of the erosional history of the underlying surface. The research entailed the collection of samples and inference of which boulders were likely to be true glacial erratics and the documentation of the exact location of where the sample was taken from. The samples were then taken to a lab and processed. The data was reevaluted with the consideration of isostatic rebound/depression, as well as the seasonal weather patterns. Although, this method required some inferences and assumption, the conluding results offer an insightful look at the patterns of the retreat of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet in relation to time and space.


Chlorine-36 / beryllium-10 burial dating of alluvial fan sediments associated with the Mission Creek strand of the San Andreas Fault system, California, USAGreg Balco, Kimberly Blisniuk, and Alan Hid
Beryllium-10 exposure ages of erratic boulders in southern Norway and implications for the history of the Fennoscandian Ice SheetBrent M. Goehring, Edward J. Brook, Henriette Linge, Grant M. Raisbeck, Francoise Yiou