Our Team

Executive Summer 2024

Sophie B.

Zoë V.

Alvin Z.

Director of Sports


Sophie B.

Director of Outreach


Alice Z.

Director of Outreach


Justin W.

Clubs Coordinator


Aaron C.

Director of Merchandise

Sean Y.

Director of Merchandise

Sean Y.

Director of Services

Beyonce V.

Social Media Coordinator

Arfaz H.

Graphics Coordinator


Katelyn D.

Graphics Coordinator


Alex D.

Competitions Coordinator

Position Open!

Director of Publications


Position Open!

Charity Coordinator

Council 2024/25

Joban Raiwal



The President is the Chair of the Council and spokesperson of the ECSS. They ensure all positions fulfil their responsibilities and raise concerns to the Council when needed. They are responsible for actively reviewing the ECSS’ operations to maximise the benefit of members, organising and running the ECSS General Meetings with the support of Council and managing the on-boarding of all Council members.

Michaiah Williams 

Vice-President Equity


The Equity Officer is responsible for researching potential changes the ECSS could make to support minorities and marginalized groups in engineering as well as reviewing the ECSS’s operations and raising concerns where anything may limit any individual from benefiting fully from the ECSS’s events and services. 

Saad Nisar

Vice-President Student Life


The Vice President Student Life is the main point of contact for, and oversees the funding of, engineering clubs. They are responsible for managing the services the ECSS provides, including locker administration, the ECSS store, and academic tutorials, in addition to managing any space the ECSS is responsible for. 

Matthew Allen Curtis

Vice-President Corporate Relations


The Vice President Corporate Relations is the main point of contact between the ECSS and local industry, working to secure sponsorship and industry attendees for relevant ECSS events, and ensures the process for contacting industry members is professional and respectful. 

Daniel Vigna

Vice-President Internal


The Vice President Internal acts as the President during any midterm vacancies. Serving as the main liaison between the Council and the Faculty, they advocate on behalf of engineering students and are responsible for coordinating Discipline Representatives. 

Forrester Munroe Parlee

Vice-President Communications


The Vice President Communications is responsible for conveying information about ECSS events and services to the student body, maintaining the ECSS website, social media accounts, and server, creating social media, website posts, posters, and advertising material, and creating and editing of any regular communication published by the ECSS. 

Sarah Keegan

Vice-President External


The Vice President External is responsible for serving as the Council’s representative to the Western Engineering Students’ Society, the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students, and Engineers Geoscientists BC, which entails communicating on behalf of the UVic student engineering body with other engineering schools and their societies. Their responsibilities include assisting the Council in the policy writing process, overseeing advertisement of, and organising delegations to conferences and ensuring UVEC is organised well and competitions are designed and judged fairly. 

Marcus Rinzsch 

Vice-President Events


The Vice President Events is responsible for scheduling and planning safe, accessible and inclusive events in addition to organizing at least one charity event per term.

Arden Loewen

Vice-President Finance


The Vice President Finance is responsible for managing the finances and accounts of the ECSS which involves drafting a budget every term to be approved at the Semesterly General Meeting, ensuring spending is managed in a reasonable and fair manner and filing, storing and reimbursing invoices in a timely fashion.

Elections in the Fall!

First Year Representative

The First Year Representative. They are also responsible for running the First Year Council, which meets weekly during the semester. The First Year Council runs semesterly events for first-year engineering and computer science students.

Discipline Representatives 2023/24

Alanna Cunha

Electrical Rep


Huda Muslem

Electrical Rep


Tanvir Kahlon

Sarah Fast

Kira Williams

Gretchen Lewandowski

Olivia Daugela

Want to join our team? Check out volunteering opportunities on the volunteer page!