Iron Ring Ceremony

About the Iron Ring

The Iron Ring is given to all engineering graduates in Canada as a part of The Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer, sometimes referred to as The Iron Ring Ceremony. The ring is a symbol and a reminder to graduates of their ethical obligations as practicing engineers. The ceremony has roots that stretch as far back as 1922 in Canada.

Iron Ring Camp 23 normally hosts Iron Ring Ceremonies at the University of Victoria twice a year, in March and November.

Please note that while the ECSS assists Camp 23 with hosting ceremonies at UVic, they are the best option for emailing if you have questions. Camp 23 can be reached at this email.

To receive an Iron Ring, you must attend the Iron Ring ceremony, as rings are only presented to engineers during this ceremony and cannot otherwise be acquired unless replaced.

Upcoming Iron Ring Ceremonies

Spring 2024
Date June 16th Doors open at 13:30, Doors locked at 14:00 when the ceremony commences.

Location: UVic Farquhar Auditorium