About the UUFCC Song Circle

Song Circle is a monthly gathering for participatory community music at the UUFCC Fellowship Building in State College, Pennsylvania, through an evening of informal singing and strumming.   The participants maintain collections of songs that have proved popular, a web page for resources, and a list of people who may want to join a gathering.  Anyone can sign up (more info below) to receive reminders of gatherings, offerings of participation opportunities, and support via our group email list or by other means.  Participants are welcome to bring songs for the group to try out, to help create special group events, or to team up with other members to perform at other more structured UUFCC events, such as Sunday services and seasonal gatherings.  

Song Circle aims to meet each second Friday of the month from 7-9 PM in the UUFCC Sanctuary, but sometimes the schedule must shift from that pattern.  If you are interested in further details, such as dates of upcoming gatherings, check the UUFCC events calendar or send an email to our current contact person (lyn.pipenberg@gmail.com) or our office manager (office@uufcc.com).  Individuals can opt to join a group email that sends reminders of upcoming events.

Keep on strumming and singing!