2024 IMAGINE & DREAM Worship Service Music

Worship Service

Imagine & Dream:  Closer to Free to be LGBT+

Sunday, February 25, 2024, 10:00-11:00  am

link to some preliminary details on the worship service plans (script link to be added later)

     (contact person Doug A.)

List of likely songs for the worship service

     (Realistically there would be room for about 3 or 4 songs in the service which also will include poetry readings in the narrative.)

Imagine - John Lennon

    (gathering music - instrumental only - on piano - Martha J. did this last year.  Pam this year? )

This Little Light of Mine - UU Hymnal

    (congregation will sing out children after the Wisdom Lesson - Pam on piano)

I Want to Break Free - Queen - John Deacon - 1984

     (Colleen & Rachel sing with Wayne on guitar & Jarl on bass guitar)

Doctor, My Eyes - Jackson Browne - 1972

     (This song will be used in the service - but as a Jackson Brown YouTube video - opportunities for sing-along and strum along with the video)

Closer to Free - BoDeans - 1993

     (Rachel leads Song Circle singing, Wayne on Guitar, Jarl on Bass, Tim on drums?)

We Shall Overcome - Lucille Simmons (+ Charles Albert Tindley) - 1945

    (#169 in the Gray Hymnal; Song Circle and Colleen will lead the congregation - so Wayne on guitar as we did on Feb. 16)

--------------------------------preliminary song ideas that will NOT be used are below this line-----------------------

Everything Possible - Fred Small- 1983 (UU Hymn #1019)

     (This song is great, but will not be used in the service.  UU Hymn #1019 - likely a choir sing-along if included - Colleen and worship committee recommend having a hymn or well-known song the congregation can stand up and sing - the song could be used to sum up the big picture idea of the service)

Closer to Fine - Indigo Girls - Emily Saliers - 1989

     (decided not to use this song - Doctor, My Eyes fits better)

You've Got to Hide Your Love Away - Beatles - Lennon-McCartney - 1965

     (Song Circle with Wayne on guitar; possibly one the congregation could sing with Song Circle - omitted to make room for poetry)