4- Books about protection of the environment and recycling


For this part , in Martinique we worked the discovery of our culture , tradition and our environment by associating three other fields of study : Literature , Sports and citizenship education.

The objectives were to develop social attitudes like respect , solidarity , mutual help , cooperation by practicing our traditional Sailing -gommier . This outdoor activity was very helpful to collaborate altogether to create the book . At the same time, the pupils became more aware of the importance of protecting their island, because they had the opportunity to evolve in contact with the different environments: the sea and the mangrove and their biodiversity.

The readings allowed them to enrich their discovery and knowledge about our Planet Earth and its natural ressources .They could as well more understand the impact of human activity on the environment , and reading these books gave them good ideas to sort and recycle used objects .

Used objects in Art Part 4


Popplet: Our Green Books!
