Support Us!

Make a donation

You make our mission attainable!

We are open to receiving donations, sponsorships, and partnerships from individuals, other organizations, and businesses. We rely on donations to purchase and construct learning materials, educational stations, and educational games. Additionally, donations play a crucial role in growing our club and expanding our support base. Every dollar contributes to the positive impact we can make in our community.

After making a donation, we will keep you updated on how your contribution has contributed towards attaining our goal. We will update you via email on all events, send pictures, and provide statistics.

To avoid a service charge, we are temporarily accepting donations through Venmo. If you would like to donate in another way, please contact Shyam at the number below. 

Please comment your name, preferred email contact, and whether or not you would like to be on our Donor Wall on Venmo.

Venmo: @Shyam-GaneshBabu-1

Phone #: (803)-357-3579

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Money Raised: $2,190

Donor Wall: 

Angell Bros. 1801 Grille $50

LolaBird Fundraising $61

and Contributors

Ava Svatos and Family