


Other Supporters


Request for Partnership Letter

We are reaching out to you to see if anyone would be interested in inviting our organization to work with your elementary school age students.

At MedElem, our primary goal is to inspire young children to develop an early passion for healthcare and medicine. Additionally, we aim to educate students about basic first aid and self-care practices. To achieve this mission, we gather and train volunteers who can deliver interactive and informative sessions to students on topics such as healthcare careers, first aid, and self-care. Our syllabus encompasses all the activities we have successfully implemented and taught in the past. You can also visit our university website to view pictures from past events. 

Since our founding in November 2022, our organization has organized 90 student volunteers who have delivered sessions to over 800 students at four elementary schools. We would love to increase these numbers and keep advancing towards our goal.

Please let us know if you would be interested in exploring this partnership by contacting our email or contacting the phone number below. We would also be happy to schedule a Zoom or phone call at your convenience. MedElem is flexible and willing to work with your schedule to accommodate your organization's needs starting in August, when our semester begins.

We are excited about the possibility of working together and making a difference in the lives of young students. Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to hearing from you.

Warm regards,
