Poster Size Requirements

Participants can choose to present a professionally printed poster, a tri-fold poster, or flat poster. Please carefully read the requirements and deadlines listed below for the chosen style.

Use this page for general guidance. For 2018, we are working on plans for Psychology posters to be printed through the Psychology Department. Anthropology posters will be printed with support from the Gerontology Program, which has its own poster printer. The Graduate School will pay up to $100 to print posters that will be shown at BOTH the SLAURS and the UMSL URS. Contact Professors Dan Gerth or Tom Meuser for questions on poster printing.

Professionally Printed Posters:

Size Options:

  • Recommended - 32" h x 40" w (see note on FREE posters, foam board, fasteners, and easel below)
  • Minimum - 30" h x 40" w
  • Maximum - 36" h x 56" w

Professionally printed posters paid for by students, mentor, or department:

Poster participants may choose to print their own posters or may have to print their own posters if they become ineligible for free posters (by missing the workshop or deadline, failing to make required revisions).

NOTE: If you are having your own poster printed, you must make all arrangements with the printer.

Free posters:

  • Each year the URS Committee seeks funding for FREE 32” h x 40” w professionally printed posters. Provided we receive funding, eligible students will receive the FREE printed posters and may use URS foam boards and glue dot fasteners on the day of the event.
  • To be eligible for a FREE printed poster, the participant must:
    • Submit the completed electronic application with abstract by the deadline
    • Be accepted to present research at the URS,
    • Attend a poster workshop for the upcoming URS,
    • Submit a correct poster file by the deadline,
    • Make changes required by the poster editor and resubmit the correct poster file by the deadline. (NOTE: you may be required to revise the poster several times.)
  • Poster participants who do not fulfill the requirements or who choose not to pursue a free poster must supply their own poster. NOTE: If you are having your own poster printed, you must make all arrangements with the printer.

Foam board:

  • All participants need to make sure that they have stiff backing on which to affix the poster during the event. If you ordered the easel on your application form, you ordered the easel stand only; there is no rigid backing on the easel.
  • If FREE printed posters are available, URS foam board may also be available for eligible participants to use. Only 32" h x 40" w foam board is available through the URS. If your poster is a different size, you must provide your own foam board.
  • In some cases, URS foam board will be available for use by participants who bring their own printed posters. Special arrangements must be made. See the URS MyGateway site for instructions or contact the URS.
  • For ALL poster sizes other than 32”h x 40”w: The participant must supply a stiff backing (such as foam board) the same size as the printed poster.

Poster fasteners:

  • If FREE printed posters are available, the URS may supply one set glue dot fasteners per Poster File submission. NOTE: Participants who provide their own printed poster may be eligible to receive a free set of glue dot fasteners.
  • Participants who wish to fasten their poster to the foam board in any other manner must provide all supplies.

Tri-fold Posters:

Size Options:

  • Folded for carrying - 36" h x 24" w
  • Unfolded for display - 36" h x 48" w

Tri-fold posters paid for by students, mentor, or department:

These are also known as "corrugated presentation boards" or "display boards.” NOTE: If you choose to do a tri-fold poster and wish to have it professionally printed, you must make all arrangements with the printer yourself. Tri-fold posters are not eligible for free printing through the URS.

Flat Posters:

Size Options:

Recommended - 32" h x 40" w (best size for URS foam boards & easels.)

Minimum - 30" h x 40" w

Maximum - 36" h x 56" w

Flat posters paid for by students, mentor, or department:

  • Flat posters should be attached to or created on a stiff backing (such as foam board) the same size.
  • Participants who supply their own 32" h X 40" w flat poster may be eligible to use a URS foam board and/or set of glue dot fasteners. Special arrangements must be made.