Financial Assistance for Posters

Need financial help with poster printing?

If you attend one or more of the URS poster design workshops and use UMSL Printing Services to print your poster, you qualify for poster printing assistance. Posters must be 30x42 sized.

Please contact the appropriate person ASAP, as there will be important deadlines that you also need to meet:

· If you are also presenting at the St. Louis Area Undergraduate Research Symposium (STLAURS), please contact Dr. Wes Harris.

· If you have a faculty mentor in the Department of Psychological Sciences, please contact Dr. Ann Steffen.

· If you have a faculty mentor in Anthropology, Communication, CCJ, Econ, Gerontology, Media Studies, Political Science, or Sociology, please contact Dr. Tom Meuser.

· If you have a faculty mentor in the Honors College, please contact Dan Gerth.

Everyone who does not fall into one of the above groups should also contact Dan Gerth. You still qualify for assistance too! And remember that you need to contact the appropriate person immediately; printing assistance is only for people who meet all deadlines and other obligations.