Current Executive Team

We are a diverse and hardworking team committed to building a fun and inclusive community in our department. 

Winter 2024 Executive

Samuel Desrochers


I am a PhD student in my third year of the program, working under the supervision of Professor Simon Henry. I did my bachelor’s at McGill, and my master’s was in fractal geometry at the University of Waterloo. Currently, I’m doing research in mathematical logic and working with proof assistants. Outside of school and work, I like to play board games and go hiking in the Eastern Townships with my family! 

Mary Rose Jerade

    V.P. Academic

I am a Master’s student doing research in game theory. A longtime uOttawa student, I look forward to planning academic events and promoting mathematical research alongside my colleagues. When I’m not studying, I enjoy baking cookies and spending time with my bird.

Daniel Dallaire

V.P. External

I am a 2nd year Master's student at the University of Ottawa working in the area of string diagrams and categorification. My current project involves using category theory to establish a connection between representation theory and the problem of colouring planar graphs. In my free time I enjoy biking, doing karate classes, and playing games like Pandemic and DDR.

Mico Luo

V.P. Finance

I am currently a second-year MSc student in Mathematics, doing research on combinatorial cryptography. I am thrilled to be a part of the team. In my leisure time, I enjoy reading novels and playing video games; my favorites include Hearthstone and PUBG.

Autumne Cadieux

V.P. Social

I am currently a second year MSc student studying biostatics. I completed my undergrad at uOttawa in May 2022, and hope to complete the MSc by May 2024! My research interests lie within applied biostatistics, particularly pediatric health care. When I'm not working on my research or studying for courses, I enjoy reading, playing volleyball and discovering cafés throughout Ottawa.

Prangya Parida

    V.P. Media and Communications

I am a 4th year PhD student in Mathematics and statistics, currently doing research on Cover-free families (CFF). I also served as VP Academic of  MSGSA in the academic year 2021-22 and 2022-23. Besides Mathematics, I love travelling, cooking, watching bollywood movies and listening to music. 

Khalil Besrour

V.P. Equity and Student Life

My name is Khalil Besrour. I am a third year PhD student doing research in number theory. I am also an international student from Tunisia. I enjoy discussing mathematics and teaching it. I firmly believed that the essence of Mathematics is in the process of sharing our understanding and intuition about the multitude of mathematical objects one can encounter. As VP Equity and Student life, I aim to make the different aspects of university life accessible to every single person no matter their identity or background.

Amélie Comtois

    V.P. Labour

Hi, I'm Amelie! I'm a first-year master's student in mathematics and my research area is category theory. I am very passionate about my research work and I also find teaching very fulfilling. I loved getting to TA my very first DGD this semester! In my role as VP Labour, I look forward to working with the MSGSA in collaboration with CUPE and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. I want all graduate students to be provided with the tools to have meaningful work experiences that will open up more opportunities for them, even after graduation.