Downloads - Unreal and Unreal Tournament

There are four main options to choose from for HD Unreal textures.  The best choice is the two listed below as "recommended" - One for Unreal 1 and one for Unreal Tournament.  Then next is the Techdemo Beta Textures

The v3.5 UTX versions below are the best of all worlds for quality, performance and compatibility between different renderers.

v. 3.5 - Recommended version for Unreal-

Download lower res LE version - 2gb

Compatible with Unreal 227, online servers, and modern renderers

v. 3.5 - Recommended version for UT99-

Download 4K version - 7gb

Download lower res LE version - 3gb

Compatible with UT99 v436, 469, online servers, and modern renderers

Alternate version for Unreal-

S3TC Techdemo Betatextures - A Complete HD pack for Unreal with a different look

You can use these instead of the normal HD textures.

This pack for Unreal has all of the earliest HD textures restored, done by Epic and Diehard.  The remaining missing textures are by AHaigh01.  The v3 pack replaced or altered most of the oldest textures with updated ones.  Here, you can see all of the originals in action, but now with no missing HD textures.

There have been HD textures for Unreal for a very long time now.  In fact, within a year or so of the game's release Epic "remastered"  many of the most often seen textures to showcase the new S3TC high res features.  But making the game textures fully S3TC HD was far from complete.  Diehard took on the work of trying to complete them, and spent 10 years making textures, but still about half of the textures were low res.  In the last few years AHaigh01, who had already contributed some HD textures and skins, finished off the entire HD pack. In the process, many of the older HD textures were updated or replaced to make them closer to the originals.

The visual style difference in this pack is most noticeable in maps like the Vortex Rikers, the outdoors levels, the mines, the castles, and some others. Epics HD textures from 20+ years ago tend to have vivid colors and a more cartoonish style compared to the low res originals.  Epic did about 250 of the textures in HD, which were often the most frequently seen textures. Diehard did more than 1000, notably many of the Vortex Rikers (PlayerShp), DecayedS, SkyCity and lots of the environmental textures. There were many levels that were never completed in HD in the early years, like the temple maps and ISV Kran. These are now all filled in from the main release of the HD pack.

If you are running UT99 436, it is highly recommended that you apply the '4GB memory aware patch' to avoid out-of-memory crashes.  The UT 469 and Unreal 227 patch have already fixed this issue.
