
Our group members live in Fareham, Gosport and Portsmouth, so this is primarily where our activities take place.

The membership fee is only £4 for a year and helps to cover general costs. Prospective members may attend an activity before signing up, except for the gym, although you can visit to view the fitness suite, equipment and talk to our instructor. Please contact us with any queries and to arrange a day to meet us.

Meeting new people and being in unfamiliar places can make people anxious. So you may bring a carer/friend/family member if you need one to one help, or would like a familiar face/voice for reassurance. On our membership form they are titled 'carer' but that term is flexible with us. Carer's are not charged a membership fee.

Everyone joining the group (including their 'carer'), must agree to follow our rules and complete a membership form which can be done online and emailed back to us. No need to sign it before sending as we will print the form and collect your signature and membership fee when we meet. If you prefer, our Secretary will fill it out with you.