info for moderators
Thank you again for your assistance in moderating a panel for this event. This task is most likely familiar, but please review the reminders and expectations below to make sure we provide our student presenters a consistent, positive experience. If you have questions, please email us at
Before the conference:
Review the presenter names, paper titles, and abstracts [link to abstract page] for the papers in your panel.
Confirm your panel time. Times listed in the program are EDT.
Day of conference:
Arrive in the virtual room at least five minutes before the start of the panel. Introduce yourself to the panelists as they arrive.
Activate your camera throughout the session, if possible, but certainly while you are speaking.
Begin the session on time.
Introduce the session and thank attendees.
Check the pronunciation of each presenter’s name and make note of pronouns.
Ask if any presenters have visual aids and will be sharing their screen. Help facilitate this process if they need help.
Remind attendees of the structure of the panel:
presenters have 15 minutes to read their paper,
subtle notifications (a raised hand by the moderator) will alert speakers when they are at 14 minutes
questions will be at the end of the session
microphones for everyone should be muted unless speaking.
Introduce each speaker immediately before they read, indicating name, school affiliation (or alumni), and paper title.
Keep time during the presentations, making sure speakers don’t go over.
Facilitate the Q&A at the end of the session.
Encourage presenters to ask questions of each other.
Solicit questions from the audience.
Make sure each presenter gets at least one question. Be ready with your own questions but yield your time to the audience if they have questions.
Intervene if an audience member is being rude or inappropriate or seems to monopolize the time. You are the “safety net” for potentially nervous presenters.
Wrap up Q&A by the end of the session time by thanking presenters – ask for another round of open mic applause – and attendees. Remind them of additional events on the session schedule.
Strategies for constructing conference discussion questions (adapted from
Listen for questions that the presenter’s work poses.
Listen for key concepts and key words and use them in questions.
Listen for the larger issues the work addresses and ask about the connection.
Draw connections among and between presenters’ works.
Draw on your own experience and knowledge related to the presentation subject matter.
Ask what or who inspired or motivated the presenter to write that work or to write about that subject matter (Class? Teacher? Dream? Event?).
Ask what authors influence the presenter’s writing.
Ask what works of literature influence the presenter’s writing.
Ask presenter to explain their use of ___________ in the work (symbolism, point of view, metaphor, dialogue, etc.).
Ask what prompted the presenter to take that approach or to look at the subject matter in that way.
Ask the presenter to describe their writing process.
Ask presenters if they have any questions in mind that they are hoping to hear from their audience and ask them to respond to those questions.
A Reminder to All Attendees
Help your colleagues to remember: do not enter or exit a room while a presenter is actively presenting; wait until the applause between presenters for your cue to leave.