Self Defense Tutorials

A warm thank you to Greenwich Kempo for their assistance in the making of these videos.

Introduction to the Self Defense Tutorial

Introduction to the Self Defense Tutorials

Important Targets and How to Hit Them

Important Targets and How to Hit Them

Escaping a Shirt Grab

Escaping a Shirt Grab
  1. Put your arms over your attacker’s arms.
  2. Bend down forward.
  3. As you stand up, shoot your arms up into the attacker’s neck.

Escaping a Single Wrist Grab

Escaping a Single Wrist Grab
  1. Step forward.
  2. Start to bring your hand back, as if you are bringing it to your shoulder.
  3. Once your hand is halfway to your shoulder, shoot your elbow out and hit the attacker in the chest area.
  4. Punch the attacker on the nose.

Escaping a Double Wrist Grab

Escaping a Double Wrist Grab
  1. Take a big step back.
  2. While stepping backwards, bring your hands towards the ground quickly. This will make the attacker bend over.
  3. When your foot is on the ground and as the attacker is bending over, quickly shoot your knee up and hit the attacker in the chest area.

Escaping a "Bear Hug" Position

Escaping a "Bear Hug" Position
  1. With your left foot, stomp on the attacker’s closest foot.
  2. Step in between the attacker’s feet with your left foot.
  3. Start to move your arms apart, with your left arm at the attacker’s hip.
  4. Fully swing your arms out.

Escaping a Front Choke

Escaping a Front Choke
  1. With your left hand, grab the attacker’s hand that is on your left.
  2. Step forward with your right foot.
  3. With your right hand, use your palm to strike the attacker’s chin.

Escaping a Back Choke

Escaping a Back Choke
  1. Using your right foot, kick the attacker in the knee.
  2. Using your right arm, bring your arm around so that your arm is wrapped around and are holding both of the attacker’s arms.
  3. Hit the attacker in the face, pushing the attacker away.

Escaping a Restrained Arm Position

Escaping a Restrained Arm Position
  1. Using your left foot, kick the attacker on their left knee.
  2. Step forward with your left foot.
  3. Turn right, towards the attacker.
  4. Kick the attacker on their right knee with your right foot.