Bees Under Attack Unblocked

Bees Under Attack is a free online game in which you have to launch bees in a specific direction. You must also launch them with sufficient force to destroy the enemy bees. You can play this game alone or with a computer opponent. In Bees Under Attack, you will use your mouse to control your bees.

This game is developed by Epic Games, a subsidiary of the video game developer. It is the first mobile game by this company. The game features a variety of different types of bees. Each bee has a different base attack. The Lion Bee has the highest base attack, while the Baby Bee has the lowest. Using the Baby Bee as your primary bee will allow you to avoid mobs that have higher attack levels.

Players can use various items in Bees Under Attack to increase their bees' attack. In addition to the regular bee, a player can also equip the colorless, red or blue bees. They can also equip rage ability tokens, which give them bonus +1 bee attack. These can stack up to +3 bee attacks. In addition, a player can use the King Beetle Amulet, Porcelain Port-O-Hive, and Coconut Canister to increase their bee attack.