100 Meter Sprint Unblocked

The game 100 Meter Sprint Unblocked is one of the most popular unblocked games online today. This skill-based running game will test your speed by trying to outrun your rivals. It can be played with your keyboard or by using touch controls. The controls are easy to use, and there is no need to download any software.

In 100 Meter Sprint Unblocked, you will select a character from different countries and race around a 100-meter track. The goal is to finish the race as fast as possible and earn the best score and medals. You'll also get money if you can win the race. The fastest person will win.

This game is designed to make you feel like a professional sprinter. It features button-smashing action; the only way to win is to beat the other sprinters and make it to the end. To win, you need to press the left and right arrow keys as quickly as possible. The faster you press them, the quicker you'll be able to run.