6 Differences Unblocked

If you love puzzle games, you will love 6 Differences. This free game is a fun way to challenge your mind. The goal of the game is to find six different pictures and identify the differences between them to proceed to the next level. It will test your brain and your eyes. You can play the game online.

The game has 5 levels. Each level is divided into two sections. In the first level, you must spot three differences between two similar pictures. The game has over 20,000 free pictures for you to enjoy. This game is a great way to train your brain and memory. To play, all you need to do is sign up for a free account to play the game online.

The game also helps you improve your eyesight. It requires you to focus your eyes on the differences between two pictures and point them out with your left mouse button. The quicker you can complete a level, the better you are at noticing differences. The game can be frustrating at first, but with practice, you'll be able to master it.