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How to Play

Oh no, you've been kicked out of the castle! Solve puzzles and make your way back to your rightful home.

Puzzle-platformer game with an audio mechanic. Robots and platforms will only respond to sounds from tapes of the same color. Platforms with dark arrows on them will remember their position after saving, so you don't need to worry about losing too much progress if you die.

Controls (when it says "hold" make sure you hold down the key)

Hold Left/Right Arrows or A/D = Move Left/Right

Space or J = Jump

Hold Down Arrow or S = Stop Grabbing

Up Arrow or W = Climb up (while grabbing)

G = Get/Pick up

B = Drop (Brop?)

I = Insert tape

K = Eje(k)t tape

Hold P = Play

Hold R = Record

Hold [ = Rewind

Hold ] = Fast Forward

T = Throw

Enter = Shoot gun (should you find one)