Desmos Graphing Calculator


Write one equation per line in the edit boxes provided— “expression 1”, “expression 2”, etc. The graphs will be immediately displayed.

Press ALT+T, then H to trace a graph. An audio trace indicator will play.

Use the arrow keys to explore the graph.

Press ALT+S for a summary of the points of interest. This summary is available either within or outside of trace mode.

While in trace mode, press TAB to navigate through those points of interest. Sometimes you will need to press SHIFT+TAB to hear them.

Press ESC to exit trace mode.

To Adjust Graph Settings, do the following:

From the edit box, press TAB twice to navigate to the graph settings menu, then press the SPACEBAR to activate it.

Available adjustments include:

Display size

Reverse contrast

Braille mode

Grid or no grid

Grid or no grid

Cartesian grid

Polar grid


Axis numbers

Minor grid lines

Show or hide x-axis

X-axis label

X-axis minimum

X-axis maximum

X-axis step size

Same options for y-axis

Angles radian or degree measure

Press ESC to exit graph settings.

Press TAB to zoom in/out if needed.

To create a Table of Values, do the following:

Navigate to edit boxes.

Press SHIFT+TAB twice to navigate to the “edit expression list button” and execute it by pressing the SPACEBAR. JAWS should indicate “edit list mode” is on.

Press TAB three times to locate “convert to table” and press the SPACEBAR.

Press TAB to navigate through the table values. Do not use table commands.

To find a specific value, press TAB or DOWN ARROW to a row with a blank edit box and type the value you wish to find. Press TAB to hear the resulting value.

To return to the graph, press SHIFT+TAB until JAWS speaks “undo.” Press the SPACEBAR to activate the button.

Clear the graph and all expressions by pressing CTRL+O. You are now ready to start a new graph.

Create and Explore a Graph Video Tutorial

Instructions Video