Guess The Word

  Give the device to one person and have them generate a word from the embedded website below. That person gives a definition, example, etc. The other person(s) try to guess the word from the definition, example, etc. If the guessers don't get it, you could give an alternate definition. It's not allowed to include the word or part of the word in whatever way you try to express the word, so for example you have the word "breaking" you can't say "to break something". You can also decide in your group wether to allow or not allow other mediums like illustrations or acting the word out. You can give hints like saying the number of letters the word has or the 1st letter of the word.

An example, the word "soil". You could say something like "The thing plants grow in." or "I planted the seed carefully in the blank." Perhaps they don't get it you could give another definition like "To make dirty."