You are new to ULTRA TRIATHLON ? You have finished a standard long distance triathlon and are looking for a new challenge ? You think Ultra triathletes are crazy? You have many questions?

Then this is the place for you. We will try to help you with your first steps in this new world of ultra challenges. If you don´t find the answer to your questions or need additional help, don´t hesitate to contact us at .

This is a first attempt to set up some kind of Q&A - section. It will grow over the next couple of weeks / months. If you think you can share some valuable information please contact me.

What is Ultra Triathlon?

By ULTRA TRIATHLON we understand any sport event that combines the three disciplines of swimming, cycling and running and is longer than a standard long distance triathlon, i. e. longer than 3.8 km of swimming, 180 km of cycling and 42,2 km of running.

What types of ULTRA TRIATHLON DO exist?

Generally there are three types of Ultra Triathlons:

1. IUTA-style Ultra Triathlons:

1.1. Continuous version: Double, Triple, Quadruple, Quintuple, Deca, 15 x, Double Deca.

1.2. One per day version: Double, Triple, Quintuple, Deca, Double Deca, Triple Deca.

2. ULTRAMAN-style races: You usually swim (~ 10 km) and bike (~ 150 km) on day one, then you go to sleep. You cycle (~ 280 km) on day two and you go to sleep and you run (~ two marathons) on day three.

3. TIME-style races: you have a certain amount of hours to swim, bike and run. The distances covered, sometimes converted into a point system, will determine your final result.

What is IUTA?

IUTA is the International Ultra Triathlon Association. Unfortunately, only a couple of races are part of the World Cup organized by this association. Hopefully in the future it will grow and also cover Ultraman style races.


Ultraman is a branded race series which organizes races in Hawaii, Florida, Canada and Arizona. Some other events use the name "Ultraman" for their events although they do not belong to the original race series.

HOW do i train for ultra triathlon?

There must be as many opinions about that topic as there are ultra triathletes. In general I would say that for an Ultraman, a double, triple and maybe quintuple ultra race your training will not be much different from a standard long distance triathlon.

Maybe some longer bike rides, maybe a couple of longer swims ....

For distances longer than quintuple the picture changes a little bit.


Again, there are many opinions about this topic. I would say that over the years every athlete develops her or his own nutrition strategy which ranges from vegan / vegetarian to completely based on "chemical" food (e.g. trusting completely in products like ALLIN of ENSURE).

Just don´t make the mistake to try something new during a race. Try out everything in training or your B-races.

Check out the entry about NUTRITION in the A to Z OF ULTRA TRIATHLON on this website.

where can i find more information?

Go the the Literature section of this website. I can recommend the books by Wayne Kurtz (in English) and by Daniel Meyer (in German).

You will find many training tips in either of them.

where can i find a list of ultra races?

On this very website. Just go to the RACES section and you will find all races listed chronologically.

what other races should i do to prepare for ultra triathlon?

I made good experiences with races like 24 h - 48 h hour running or cycling races. Open water swimming events help a lot too. Many distances are offered, ranging from short 1.5 km swims to the Channel crossing or longer.

Backpacking bike trips or cycling tours with the internationally known "Randonneurs" (with many sections in different countries) are also good ideas to spend some time in the saddle.