We SWIM what many can’t run, we RUN what many wish to cycle, we CYCLE what many find tiring to drive. 

We are ultra - triathletes 

Welcome to the World of ULTRA TRIATHLON!

This website is destined to share experiences, provide information and talk about whatever is interesting about the sport of ULTRA TRIATHLON. 

You will find ULTRA TRIATHLON news, you will find ULTRA TRIATHLON events organized worldwide and you will find an additional wealth of information about this fascinating and demanding sport. 

By ULTRA TRIATHLON I understand any sport event that combines the three disciplines of swimming, cycling and running and is longer than a standard long distance triathlon.

I hope that many of you will not only visit this page, but also become an active member of ULTRA TRIATHLON. To share your ideas and to communicate with other ULTRA TRIATHLON enthusiasts you can also find us on FACEBOOK: ULTRA TRIATHLON on Facebook.

If you want to find more about myself and the events I organize, please visit my personal Website, clicking on my logo: 

If you are interested in naturism and natural living, I invite you to visit my website NATURIST LIVING