
We are interested in hearing from any potential sponsor for the conference.  A number of opportunities are outlined below but we are also happy to discuss alternative arrangements.  Please contact us via ukacm2025@gmail.com . 

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor


Additional sponsorship options

The follow conference events can be sponsored: 

Sponsorship of the above events will result in the Sponsor's Company logo being included on all marketing, conference and delegate information, including the UKACM 2024 website, printed / electronic material.

Additional sponsorship opportunities:

Confirmed sponsors

It is the mission of River Publishers to become an influential market player in the publishing and distribution of state-of-the-art, peer-reviewed, English language academic and professional content in specific STM fields; books and journals written by academics and engineers for the institutional and professional markets. River Publishers supports the UKACM conference prizes and works with UKACM on special issues associated with the European Journal of Computational Mechanics.