Hello incoming Bearcat!


Well done on completing your time in high school and congratulations on being accepted to the University of Cincinnati! My name is Owen O'Neill and I am the Scholarship Chairman for the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity here at UC. Each summer, we grant $2,500+ in scholarships to incoming freshmen students and you are invited to apply! Even if you are not currently considering joining a fraternity, you are still eligible.


The PIKE Freshman SLAG Scholarships are one-time, non-renewable awards available to incoming first-year males. The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity will award these scholarships to individuals on the basis of demonstrated excellence in the four character traits of our fraternity: Scholar, Leader, Athlete, and Gentleman. This year, we will be giving out 6 awards:


- 1 Glen Hubbuch Design Awards

- 1 Bill Ogle Athletic Awards

- 1 George H. Zimmerman Music and Performing Arts Award

- 1 William Giesler Engineering and Technical Award

- 1 Dennis R. Cleeter Service Award

- 1 William R. Nester Leadership Awards 


You do not need to be majoring in any of the above fields to be eligible for the awards. However, your prior experiences must display significant accomplishment within those fields.


In order to be considered for an award, the online application must be submitted by midnight on Friday, August 18th. Finalists will be invited to interview. More information will be included in the interview invitations.

These scholarship awards are merit-based and designed to honor and reward incoming freshmen that have demonstrated leadership and a commitment to excellence during their high school activities. By applying for this scholarship, you are in no way making a commitment to joining the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity.


The online application for the scholarships can be found here.


If you'd like to learn more about Pi Kappa Alpha at UC, you can visit us at www.ucpikes.org. Please contact Owen O'Neill at (502)-724-9201 or oneillop@mail.uc.edu with any questions or concerns. 

2021 Scholarship Winners