Season 1 Pitching Performances

The inaugural season of UBA/Fisk saw just two "Noteworthy Games" from the mound...and both were no-hitters. By Game Score, the better of the two pitching performances happened first, when rookie Robbie Ingram took the mound against the Blue Jays during the mid-day cycle on March 21,2020. He proceeded to throw a gem, with the following as his traditional pitching line:

This brillant performance, with nearly half of his outs coming by way of the K, earned him a Game Score of 101. To put that into perspective, only 16 pitchers have ever had a triple digit Game Score over a nine inning game in MLB history. Ingram did it in his 18th career start.

The other no-no came five real-life days later, courtesy of Aroldys Barajas, against the Brewers. His traditional pitching line was the following:

Barajas came up a few points short of Ingram's effort, checking in at a 98 Game Score. The difference likely resulted from fewer strikeouts (only 8 compared with Ingram's 12) and instead producing more ground-ball outs. Barajas also made an error in the field, which I'm pretty sure has no effect on his Game Score, but does take away from the overall dominance of his performance a little bit.

I have tracked Game Score for my own pitchers for a little while to help myself manage the pitching staff better, and I believe that Barajas' 98 would be the highest that I'd ever seen if it weren't for Ingram's total both of these inaugural season scores could top the leaderboard for quite a few seasons to come.