Meet UBA/Fisk

One other feature that has worked really well in Around The Horn is maintaining a "Meet The Owners" page on the blog that features the bios everyone shared when they introduced each other on World Chat. This allows us to have a central place to refer to for that kind of information without having to hunt through WC every time we want to try to contact someone. Since we're just getting that up and running here, I figured that it would be easier to keep up with the intros rather than hunt them all down later on. So, as the intros get added to World Chat, I will add them here too. Here's who we've met so far:

vanrip77 (NYY): "I started with UBA in season 12 and all of my HBD seasons were there until now. I never did a personal intro with UBA but think it’s a great idea! I just turned 43 yesterday {editor's note: March 25} and live in the NY suburbs with my wife and two daughters. I’ve been a huge sports fan for my entire life with the Yankees, Rangers and Cowboys (that’s another story) being my favorite teams, although I will watch almost any game of any sport and somehow find myself rooting passionately. I’m an avid golfer who loves just being on the course, any course with anyone just having a great time. Pearl Jam is my other passion, and I’ve been lucky enough to have been in the fan club since ‘95 and have seen them live over 70 times, most of the time with incredible seats and many times in the front row. I’m grateful we have this game, especially during these times, and hope we have a great world with the new merger."

bruinsfan911 (BOS): "My name is Ellis, and I am a 25 year old Special Ed teacher that lives half an hour outside of Boston so my allegiance has been to the Red Sox, Celtics, Bruins, Patriots (although I might be the only Pats fan who is happy TB12 left) and Revolution. In terms of HBD, my "home world" has been FYC but I've participated in a bunch of fun ones. However, the best ones are definitely the ones that I've been able to build personal relationships so I'd love to see that happen here too :) "

mike22182 (FLA): "My name is Mike (ha). I'm 38. I live in the Bay Area of California. I started with UBA and I am now active in 4 leagues."

jamier2003 (MIL): "Jamie, 39, I used to be a Scorpio but apparently that has since changed with the movement of the stars so I don't know what to believe anymore. I live in Atlanta but grew up in Cincinnati. One of my lasting memories of childhood is the 1990 WS sweep of the Oakland As and have been a baseball fan since. Went to UNC so big Tar Heel too. Been on WIS since like 2004 and have played HBD since its inception.

jnewton (SD): "Jeff here. Sacramento Ca and work for the great state of California. Giants fan and a Pitt Steeler fanatic. Avid runner and love stats. Oh and craft beer - usually Double IPAs."

zigbi (CIN): " I am an avid runner too. A few years back actually came 2nd in my age group in the Toronto half-marathon (where I live). I keep swearing off full marathons then end up partaking in the 26 mile madness about once a year. I am a founding member of UBA (together with edge by the way). We had a long rivalry in the NLand were both pretty competitive most seasons. I traded him a stud SP the first season and lived to regret it. I'm 64."

lylediekmann (MC): "I’m Lyle. 44. Have a wife and two kids in Litchfield MN. Former sports editor/writer/photographer. Current stay at home dad, substitute teacher and aspiring play by play guy. Avid golfer, bow hunter, beer brewer (and consumer) who loves most MN sports. In particular Minnesota State Mankato men’s hockey."

bige (TEX): "Fixing to be 48 Eric from Texas, have one daughter that’s 22 and married.Im from Arlington so I’m a true Ranger fan."

ammopunk85 (LAD): "Sean 34, live in Southern California . Still ****** that the astros ****** us out of a WS ."

flbarons (WSH): "I'm Scott - 57 living in Calgary, AB, Canada and in the oil business since graduating so a very long time lol - Huge Jays,Raps, Flames, Atl Falcons fan yes I know :) and a veyr avid golfer and I still play competitive hockey. I don't get caught up in the drama because quite frankly I'm just not that good at this HBD :) but I keep trying!"

moose821 (CHC): "My name is Bill, I'm 37 from Omaha, NE. I work in the athletic department of a D1 university. I'm a Little League Coach and and avid Bowler. I'm a fan of the Cubs & Lions. HBD is my escape from the real world, my home world is Clarkson, but we are now merged as well, and somehow i became the commish of that world despite not knowing what I'm doing."

mikewcu (PHI): "My name is Mike. I'm 37 years young.I went to WCU = West Chester University. Its outside of Philly where I'm originally from. I'm 4 for 4 Philly sports guy. I currently live in Houston where I'm a VP at at Energy Brokerage Firm. I'm a huge Dave Matthews Band fan as well as Disney. I'm supposed to get married this year, but due to COVID-19, planning has been halted and we may have a very small ceremony. I joined UBA in season 26. The two players that drew me to the team I picked at the time were Cy Buchanan and Candy Blasingame. My first ever draft pick was Wilmer Mercedes haha. My favorite thing about this game is roster management, specifically trading (if you couldn't tell). I've been to the World Series a bunch in my leagues, but still haven't won the big one."

reefer124 (MIN): "My name is Mike, I'm 33 and from British Columbia Canada. Fisk was my first world. Still chasing that first title. Grew up in Ontario so I was always a big Maple Leafs, Raptors and Blue Jays fan. I'm a chef so I'm spending my coronavirus time off with my kids and helping my wife run her business."

Macattackiv (CLE): "John, 37 from Scranton, PA Mets, Raiders and Bulls Fan. Have a wife and a dog."

notrekane (BAL): "My name is Bob. I live in North Eastern Pennsylvania. I have a wife and a son. I am an attorney by day and a gamer by night. Any game will do. Whether it's coaching my sons baseball team, playing a board game, this wonderful game or sitting in my basement movie theater in my underwear playing video games, I am always happy when playing a game and competing. I've been playing this since UBA season 20ish. I've made a few world series but can't seem to win the bigone. I like Notre Dame football, Phillies Baseball and Washington Redskins were always my team but I cheer more for my fantasy team then I do the skins at this point. Glad we were able to save our mutual leagues and hope for all the best with this one!"

PaleHose72 (OAK) : "I'm Shane and I currently call Kentucky my home. I've lived here for about 11 years after moving from Chicago. I'm 48 years old with a wife of 23 years and twin 11 year old boys. I'm a High School Math teacher and Baseball Coach, so this should be right in my wheelhouse, but we'll see how that goes. In my free time (HA!) I golf and play poker."