Located southwest of Groom Lake, in the vicinity of Papoose Lake, is the Defense Advanced Research Center (DARC), commonly referred to as "S-4". This facility, constructed in 1980 using funds from the strategic defense initiative, is said to have ten basement floors (some sources suggest up to 30 floors), along with nine parking areas on the basement level and seven on the second level. Its primary purpose is believed to be the control center for projects involving unidentified aerial objects, commonly referred to as extraterrestrial objects.

Within S-4, the center is allegedly engaged in the analysis of spacecraft, the retrieval and examination of extraterrestrial technologies, and the study of extraterrestrial biological entities. The security measures in place are so stringent that even personnel from nearby Area 51 do not possess the necessary authorization to access this facility.

Derek Hennesy, a former security guard at S-4, says that during his assignment at the site, the first three parking bays on Level 1 were occupied by identical aircraft.

He also claimed to have had the chance to see large containers where the bodies of dead "grays" were kept.

Hennessy described his work on the second level of S-4, about 75 people work on levels 1 and 2. He said he was aware of levels 3 and 4 of the facility, that about 12- 15 people work there but he was never allowed to enter. Its primary function was to guard the elevators that required three keys to open, plus a thumbprint and a retina scan. 

Over the course of 9 years, Major Wilson traveled to nearly every Air Force base in the world, making and maintaining contacts with key MJ-12 men.

Eventually, in the summer of 1972, he was assigned to the 1st Special Forces Air Command at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. He was supposed to rest and have fun there. He just had to release the pressure, empty his travel bag and put it in the closet. No sooner had he unpacked his things than a man who looked like he had just come out of a camp for war refugees burst into his room. The man quickly showed him a CIA identification card and told him that he had to prepare his luggage, and that a plane was waiting for him, ready to leave within 20 minutes. True to the word of this man, a plane maneuvered 20 minutes later on the runway, ready for takeoff.

Rather than asking for their destination, Major Wilson knew it was best to observe the direction of the compass and instruments as well as the territories overflown. He knew they were over Nevada. The plane finally turned and landed on the bottom of a dry lake. Later, he learned that it was the dry lake of Papoose S4 (editor's note: place known as Papoose Dry Lake S4) in the depths of the air base and test Nellis located in central Nevada . Even up close, the terrain and mountains look barren and deserted. They walked on almost 300 meters of rocks devoid of vegetation. On the other slope, nestled between large cliffs, there was an enormous steel door without any locks or handles.

The scruffy-looking CIA man somehow opened the door. They entered the installation to go down a tunnel. At the end of the passage, Wilson quickly glanced around.

He is still blown away today by the sheer size of the structure: "I would swear the whole mountain was hollow. Right in the middle of the pass was a runway and at the end of the runway there were huge gates about which I later discovered that they could open for the sole purpose of allowing an aircraft to take off just from the mountain."

he CIA guy and Wilson walked towards an elevator without saying a word. The agent pushed a button without marks or identifications. Wilson didn't know how many floors they descended because the elevator was moving at the speed of light. It was going down so quickly that he barely missed putting his meal back. He was pushed out of the elevator into the lobby and then into an office to meet the Colonel on duty. Wilson greeted him and considered the tall, angular figure in front of him. The Colonel's piercing eyes cast an evil look that fit perfectly with his cold and haughty demeanor.

The Colonel briefed Wilson on his duties as well as the schedules for the plane that would take him there and return to headquarters at Nellis Base (note: HQ is separate and distant from S4 or Area 51) near Las Vegas, the closest officially recognized military installation. The Colonel also told him how to reach the secret system of high-tech underground tunnels and shuttles that connected the S4 facility to the Nellis base. Wilson was also warned that everything he had seen was top secret and that if he ever took the wrong breath, said one word too much about what he had seen, it would be his last breath. Wilson soberly noted, "I believed him." 

UFOs, aliens and 3D surprises at S4

Major Wilson started his service at the Papoose Lake facility not knowing that there were 30 floors below. He underwent perfect indoctrination in Top Secret work and knew all the consequences of keeping the Nation's best kept secrets. The next 6 years were slow and boring, he recalls, and apart from what he had seen at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, he felt he was moving in a vacuum, with no goals or directions.

He was sitting in his office at S4, brooding over his dark thoughts when one morning, a certain Lieutenant Colonel Bennet showed up. He asked Wilson if he was busy ("like he gave a fuck," Wilson recalled) and added, "Okay, let's go!"

Wilson followed the Lieutenant Colonel and they eventually tumbled two stories underground to the level housing the super secret S4 area of ​​UFO technologies. As they came to a kind of trail, Wilson counted 8 different kinds of UFOs. The place was crowded with people who looked like scientists, or so he surmised from their appearance. He watched Bennet cut short the question his gaze implicitly posed to him with a 'Forget it, will you!'

The Colonel and the Major arrived in a compartmentalized office where a good twenty officers and civilians were seated here and there. Wilson was totally amazed when a woman over 2.40 meters (8 feet) entered. He remembers his body being perfect without an ounce of fat. She wore some sort of strange jumpsuit that had a symbol drawn on it, a HI on the right side above her chest. To this day, Wilson remembers this startling encounter in vivid detail.

"The woman had finely drawn facial features. Her blonde hair cascaded in neat curls over her shoulders. Her eyes were the bluest blue I had ever seen. Somehow another, she was different and for the little that I knew, Oh how different she was!” She placed a large crystal on the table and without preconditions, her fingers began to glow as she ran them over the crystal.

A 3-dimensional hologram began to materialize above the stone. 

I looked all around me to realize that everyone was stunned, mouth agape while realizing that I was just as stunned, mouth open, petrified by the vision. I barely realized at that moment that my life was going to change forever. The lessons of my past, my worldview were fading away as I stared at what was being shown to me. It was actually my whole outlook on life that took a 180 degree turn as I watched this sound-enhanced hologram that revealed mysteries of the past and present and other worlds."

Wilson relates that among the scenes the alien woman's holographic crystal showed the assembled group was the history of the earth and the involvement of the aliens in this process. This involvement included conceiving of Christ consciousness and sending him to live among earthlings to show them a better way and understanding of life and how to live. The alien woman also showed the officers and scientists scenes of inhabited planets in other solar systems.

Wilson was transformed by this experience: "When the show ended, I knew that my life as I had known it had ended forever and whatever part I had to play in all of this."

He continued his career by being appointed officer in charge ( executive officer) of "Project Pounce" . elite Air Force black berets and military scientists who "hopped" at UFO crash scenes, cordoned off the perimeter, recovered the alien craft and its occupants, and then sanitized the crash site to restore it to its original pre-accident appearance. Finally, they intimidated all possible witnesses to keep them silent.

Wilson eventually rose to the rank of Colonel and received security clearance and clearance level 27, Ultra Top Secret, Cosmic Q. He then learned much of the internal workings of the Majestic 12 agency. Wilson 's UFO material included dealings with the gorillas of the Men in Black underground forces belonging to the private security company Wackenhut which was under MJ 12 contract. -enhut killers", untranslatable pun, whack meaning crazy).

The Colonel was briefed on offensive space operations being conducted by military astronauts trained by the Air Force's Special Clandestine Academy. He discovered that these military astronauts flew American-built antigravity aerospace craft like Lockheed's X22 two-seat flying disc from Vandenberg Air Force Base and Beale Air Force Base in California to the United States. space. These military astronauts had the mission of interdicting the approaches of UFOs considered unfriendly and fired a "Star Wars" type weapon system to damage or destroy them.

Maji's Return

Colonel Wilson came to be informed of matters concerning the high command of "MAJI", which included the identity of two of the members of the executive board of directors: the president administrator Henry Kissinger and the scientific adviser Edward Teller (editor's note). : father of the H-bomb), both having the highest level of accreditation and authorization, level 33. He was also only too aware of their greed and greed, enough to make him sick. He discovered that the MAJI command "was so powerful that these members could act as if they were above the President and the laws governing nature and mankind". He later realized with anguish that these people were to be known as the "New World Order".

Ultimately, sickened by the unconstitutional and unethical activities of the Majestic 12 agency as well as his own involvement in the most infamous and heinous manipulation the world has ever known, Wilson resigned.

Retired after 40 years in the Air Force, Lt Colonel Wilson was Flight Commander of the 1st Special Forces Air Command at Vandenberg Air Force Base. His honors include the Air Force Distinguished Services Medal, the Silver Star, two Distinguished Flying Crosses, two Purple Hearts, the Joint Services Commendation Medal, the Air Force Commendation Medal, the Air Force Good Conduct Medal and the National Service Defense Medal.

After pondering the matter for 15 years, he decided to risk his life and come clean. The means used were the global communication tools represented by the Internet. He placed his flood of revelations and sensitive information on the Skywatch web page and took up the UFO newsgroup as his discussion forum.

After years of building a career in the military and intelligence by playing by the rules, retired Lt Colonel Wilson has shown the greatest possible patriotism: sounding the alarm about the activities of the parallel government MJ12.

While battling cancer, Steve Wilson weighs the price of his years in the 'dark world' of UFO cover-up: "Honestly, I have no emotions. My association with Maji has left me dead inside I still feel cold and calculating today. I never let anyone near me. I feel like a human robot. I killed without mercy and I lied for the good of my country - or at least that's what I believed at the time".

His final comment mysteriously alludes indirectly to the fact that everyone will know about extraterrestrial visitations and the profound societal changes that will follow: "The things I have witnessed are beyond human comprehension and are totally incredible. I only have the desire to help humanity in some way in view of the events that are soon to come."

Dialogue with Colonel Wilson

Dr. Richard Boylan: In the hierarchical and functional diagram on Star War City that you sent us, there is an Air Force Special Academy (AFSA, Air Force Special Academy) which receives its orders from Star Wars City in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This doesn't seem like the regular Air Force academy, does it?

Colonel Steve Wilson: No, it's not the regular academy.

Is it AFSA training the military astronauts who are quietly sent to Vandenberg Air Force Base in California while the press draws public attention to space shuttle activities at Cape Canaveral in Florida?

Yes, both Vandenberg and Beale Air Force Bases are involved.

Does Afsa have other functions?

Yes, Afsa fulfills a role in occult operations, the "Black Ops".

What type of missions do these star warriors (military astronauts) perform once they are positioned in space?

They must shoot down "unfriendly" UFOs. The United States shoots at least one a day. Other countries are doing this as well. The Russians shoot down at least two.

(Author's Note: I very seriously doubt that the United States shoots down a UFO a day or any number close to it. CIA and ONI informants told Dr. Steven Greer disclosure project, see article on David Adair) that two UFOs had been shot down in the year 1995. From my own research, I suspect the actual figure will be closer to half a dozen per year, obviously a tragedy no matter how many Dr. Michael Wolf of MJ-12/SSG claims that a rogue group called "the Cabal" is carrying out wanton attacks without provocations or warnings in order to deliberately sabotage peaceful relations between extraterrestrials and the earth.)

And what type of vehicle do military astronauts use to get into space and operate there? Is this the Aurora aerospace vehicle (classified and supposedly non-existent) that reaches Mach 8 and flies at an altitude of 100 miles on the boundary between the atmosphere and the vacuum of space?

No. This is the latest model of a spacecraft copied from a UFO and classified Ultra Cosmic Top Secret.

The top-secret Pumpkinseed ship is believed to be much faster and operates on a more exotic propulsion system, apparently including propulsion based on an antigravity field and powered by an antimatter reaction.

Is it the latter type of craft that military astronauts use in space?

I can't comment on this, you certainly understand why!

Regarding the analysis of the Star Wars City / Spaceship Defense Initiative organizational scheme posted by you on the Skywatch site, it can be identified that the 1010th Special Security Squadron which bypasses the Air Force reports directly to the NRO ( National Reconnaissance Office, UFO concealment) as well as the MAJI group (MJ12, the group in charge of UFO policy). Is this specialized squadron made up of the elite Delta special forces (the black berets)?

No, it's the Wackenhut Agency and its killers.

Is this unit located in the same place as the Pounce project?

Project Pounce does not exist as a unit as such. We all have other jobs and each of us has our area of ​​expertise. We did not know each other and we met only when recovering the damaged UFOs. In this way, an "Ultimate" level of security could be maintained.

Is "Ultimate" the security level relative to "Ultra Cosmic Top Secret, Q Clearence, Level 33"?

Cosmic Q Level 33 corresponds to MAJI. Level 32 corresponds to MJ12, (level) level 31 to certain personnel in the construction of devices in the aeronautical industry, level 30 to the first 4 leaders of Wackenhut etc... as well as the Ministry of Defense (ndtr: the DOD; department of defense) and the national security council (ndtr: NSC, National Security Council) . I was only at level 27, the highest level I could reach.

Ah, Colonel, as always, you are such an interesting source of information! Let me ask you two more questions if you don't mind!

I noted on the Star Wars City map that the Rockefeller Company is one of the elite Black Budget defense contractors. in "exotic aircraft") known as SDIO/BMDO (Star Wars Projects). What "contribution" does the Rockefeller company give to the SDIO project?

I don't have any specific information about it, just general ideas. This is how the secret can be kept. No one knows about this except level 33.

Also on Star Wars City's organizational chart is a company called Decision Science Application Incorporated (DSAI). It sounds awfully like SAIC, the San Diego-based Science Applications International Corporation headed by Black Ops veteran Admiral Bobbie Ray Inman - which built the engines for America's anti-gravity starships. Are DSAI and SAIC one and the same or related companies?

This is a group made up of all the leaders of manufacturers of military materials operating in the occult world (note: Black area in relation to Black Budget). By the way, I heard that Inman was chairing this group.

(Author's note: Therefore, the Decision Science Application INC (DSAI) consists of a group of directors of the Black Budget divisions (antigravity vessels and space armament) of the following companies: Rockwell, Martin Marietta, Boeing, IBM, Lockheed, Mc Donnell-Douglas, Ford Aerospace, Aerojet Electro Systems, Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical Inc, Fujika & Co; Rockefeller Co.. and retired National Security Agency (NSA) Admiral Bobbie Ray Inman both lead the "Black World" of DSAI (internally) and SAIC (externally). However, Dr. Michael Wolf of MJ-12/SSG asserts that DSAI and SAIC are one and the same!)

Colonel, in the material that has been posted on the Skywatch webpage, the leadership of the organization responsible for keeping the UFO phenomenon under wraps is described. Which leads to the next question: What role do Dr. Kissinger and Dr. Edward Teller play in this top-secret organization? Dr. Teller allegedly authorized Bob Lazar, a physicist working for the Department of Naval Intelligence, to work on Area S4, Area 51 to copy captured UFO technology. Dr. Kissinger's business office located in New York was most threatening with a person who had investigated about Kissinger's relationship to the cover-up of the UFO phenomenon. What light can you shed on the involvement of these two men?

Both are members of MJ 12, a group that totaled 36 members in all in 1994. It may interest you to know that the role of these two men goes back as far as the Paperclip project.

(Editor's note: operations of the US secret services to exfiltrate German scientists prosecuted for war crimes outside Germany after 1945 in order to work for the Americans and escape the Nuremberg trial).

But even though they had stories before this episode, they both appear at Heidelburg University around the same time they were supposed to be in the United States. Kissinger is a staunch believer and a key figure in Operation MK Ultra, while Teller would have loved to play a part in it. I can't prove any of this. These are things that I have heard at a high level.