David Adair.

David Adair is a highly regarded engineer with expertise in aerospace and aeronautics. Throughout his career, he has worked for prestigious firms in the defense industry as well as the American Air Force and Navy. Adair's exceptional abilities were recognized at a young age, leading to his involvement with military and scientific authorities. While he is now an independent consultant in cutting-edge technologies, his story bears resemblance to other prominent figures such as Colonel Corso, Bob Lazar, and Colonel Wilson, who have made claims about Area 51 and extraterrestrial involvement.

In 1997, David Adair reportedly shared his unusual experience at Area 51 during a testimony alongside Dr. Steven Greer, the founder of "The Disclosure Project." This organization is known for providing a platform for individuals who possess classified knowledge. Adair's account aligns with the allegations made by these controversial witnesses, contributing to the conspiratorial narrative surrounding the New World Order, the military-industrial complex, and the true nature of power.

*Please note that the claims made by Adair and others regarding aliens and their association with Area 51 are highly debated and controversial. The existence of such activities remains unverified by mainstream scientific and governmental sources.

Robert Stanley:  Tell me about the "Disclosure" letter that you are circulating.

David Adair:  The content of this letter is based on a series of events that unfolded when I first testified in 1997 before Dr. Steven Greer.... What we want is very simple: a hearing before a commission parliamentary investigation which will guarantee secret agents total immunity from the National Security Act (note: very strict law which punishes very heavy penalties any government employee who could be suspected of delivering information deemed confidential). Dr. Greer told us he had several hundred witnesses. I know he's not casting a smokescreen on this subject because in 1971 I saw many people working on "those things".

At Area 51?

Of course. I've seen these people working in underground bases on different types of ships and trying to copy technology from a lot of stuff. I believe there are people who have spent 30+ years working on this kind of project. Imagine then what they could tell us! But more importantly, they could tell us who pays them and who signs the checks.

So you want investigations and hearings to be done in full view of the general public?

Absolutely. I really want the world to hear what these very knowledgeable engineers have to say.

You told me during our preparatory interview that this event would radically change our lives and that we could then integrate certain elements of these advanced technologies into our infrastructures?

Certainly, but unraveling the scheme is not without its problems. I remember that when I was at Area 51, I was taken by an office which adjoined the hangars and laboratories to see me locked up in a room. This is where I waited for General Curtis LeMay until he came to get me. But I had time to see these people working when I crossed these corridors and these offices.

Wait a minute! You claim that General Curtis LeMay personally came to pick you up?

Yes. If you read his autobiographical work "the iron eagle", you will see that he was a former commander of the SAC (Strategic Air Command). General Curtis LeMay, retired since 1965, died October 3, 1990. General LeMay was the 5th Chief of Staff of the US Air Force". You will also see that on the back of his book, he talks about his parents. They lived in Mount Vernon in Ohio. I also lived in Mount Vernon when I built my first fusion rocket. I was on the front page of the local paper. How did that happen?


the nurse of his parents was none other than my mother, Evangeline Adair.

What a strange coincidence!

Yes, and it was through this that Lemay came to know me personally. And when our local parliamentary representative started funding my second rocket, the local "Mount Vernon News" caught wind of the story. It was the fastest vehicle ever built on earth.

Is this the photo of this second rocket that I am looking at?

Yeah, I saved quite a few stories that the newspapers printed about me. I was funded by Senator John Ashbrook. He was chairman of the Congressional Committee on Homeland Security. It is a very powerful place of power. He also sat on the House Committees on Education and Labor and it was through the Department of Education that he funded my work. And when suddenly the Air Force showed up to inspect my second rocket, they were completely crazy about the formulas and the prototype that I had built from very little. They knew I was on to something, so they funded my research through the NSF.(National Science Foundation). It was from there that my mother became involved in the story because the government people began to really get involved in our lives. She went to General LeMay to talk to him. Curtis really loved my mother and when he saw the newspaper articles he came to talk to me. Later he conferred with the parliamentarian Ashbrook. And the next thing that hit me was when LeMay said, 'David, I'm gonna be your buddy, I'm gonna be your project manager. And obviously that was the best thing that could have happened to me because much later I found out that LeMay had saved my ass.

This is powerful protection.

Yeah but the most interesting thing is that an investigator managed to get the parliamentary annals concerning Senator Ashbrook from the library and was able to find all this documentation. The investigator was shocked to see that I was actually telling the truth. In a letter I explained to the Air Force that without the electronics and the right formulas to scale down and downsize the craft I was building, I really would have needed a pretty damn big rocket to put the engine I designed in it and it was a pretty damn big engine. Subsequently, I got my hands on an ICBM rocket (note: intecontinental ballistic missile) type Titan 3 which I had taken out of mothballs and which was donated to the Center for Science and Industry in Ohio. They of course drained all the fuel from this thing and put it away in a proper storage area. But she was ready to run. I was able to dispose of the Titan rocket after a certain period of waiting. At that time, I received through my dreams a lot of information that allowed me to reconfigure the rocket engine in more practical, more ergonomic dimensions. Everyone appreciated this reduction in size because you have to imagine that moving a Titan 3 type rocket is not an easy task, it's as high as 30 floors. But after I explained to them that I had reduced the size of my engine so that it works in a machine 12 feet high (+/- 4 meters); I had to build everything from scratch.

Didn't you tell me there were actually two rockets?

Yes you are right. There were two of these prototypes. There was one that was exhibited at a science fair and then there was a second one that was never shown to the public. 

I guess it's the "stealth" and undetectable model that remained secret?

Absolutely. We built a model for people in the neighborhood so they could see what we were working on. It must be said that the guys from the Air Force came to my house every day to work. They had taken off their uniforms and were walking around in shorts and t-shirts which made people think they were just normal guys who specialized in this rocket stuff and they were coming to help me, period. . Because of this, when people from the next town came to see me, they just thought, "Guys, he's building us a big one this time." But in fact, we had them prototypes in production. I had designed one to win the science fair competition, but what I'm showing you here, on this picture, is is the plan of the model that we used to go beyond the simple prototype stage. And it worked perfectly. All this constituted my entry into the world of secret activities...

All the documentation that I'm showing you here, I took with me to Congress.... I didn't really want to testify because I was very close to the line of National Security secrets. However, I can tell you the following story only because it happened when I was only 17 years old. And according to the Constitution, the federal government does not have the right to make a minor sign an oath of confidentiality and respect for National Security.

One day, Strom Thurman said to me the following thing: "you are the most uncontrollable guy we have in our ranks, my boy" (ntdr he's a loose cannon cannon on the deck by you're the most out of control guy...) 

But back to your experience at Area 51 with General Curtis LeMay.

OK. Well, actually, what happened is actually quite simple. I broke my own rocket. I sabotaged my rocket after it landed on Area 51. I blew it into a million pieces. And when I saw that other engine down there in the underground, I understood what they were after when they were interested in my own engine. 

What other engine are you talking about?

A confined electromagnetic fusion engine... because this thing is so fast, so powerful. There is nothing comparable. Liquid or solid fuel engines are like Ford Ts compared to Lamborghini engines. This thing takes off at such incredible speed. It goes from zero to 13,000 km/h in 4.6 seconds. It's going so fast that you can't see it.

 It goes at such speed from a fixed starting point?

Yes. You can't even see it pass. It's like trying to see a bullet leave the barrel of a gun. 

Yes, it is impossible to see this with the naked eye.

Absolutely. Because of this, everyone at the launch site thought that the rocket had exploded. I had built a large part of the structure with titanium which we reinforced with carbon and inconel (???). We have incorporated into this rocket all the materials known for their strength and lightness. Due to the extreme G (gravity) force produced at launch, everything inside the rocket deformed. 

Yes, but the engine was still intact when the rocket landed on Area 51?

Exactly. The rocket descended with a parachute. But where the story gets weird is that there were a lot of people who intervened. The guy for example who was in charge of my project; he really was a bad guy. A real bad one. Dr. Wherner Von Braun warned me. I knew Von Braun when I was a kid because Iwas already working on rockets at a very young age in the early 1970s when men walked on the moon. An hour and a half drive from my house lived Neil Armstrong who lived in Wapakenneta. His mother - Viola, her name was - and I became friends. She was like a second mother to me, we saw each other all the time, so I could see Neil too. Often, moreover, I went to their house, I passed in front of Neil without paying attention to it because it was Viola that I had come to see. And Neil liked that, the fact that I wasn't interested in his fame and that I just loved his mother. Neil was a very withdrawn man who lived like a hermit. .. because when he came back from his mission on the moon, he had to

Anyway, because I was in that kind of environment, I used to go to parties where the whole Apollo VII crew and Werner Von Braun were invited.

That's how I crossed paths with these people and started dating them. Well, going back to what I was saying, Von Braun had warned me during my work on rockets that I might meet a man - a Dr. Arthur Rudolph - and that I had to be really careful because he was a dangerous man.

Dr. Rudolph was the chief architect of the engines for the Saturns 5 and the Apollo rockets to the moon. He arrived in the USA with Von Braun and other German scientists thanks to Operation Paperclip. Rudolph was full rank of Colonel in the Gestapo. He personally killed hundreds of Jews during the war while building the V2 rockets in Peenemünde. If you made a mistake, he would wrap a cable around your neck and hang you, exposing your body for all to see. He and his SS also made you swallow water and sawdust to cut your hunger and simply fill your stomach until you died on the spot of weakness. You were then replaced with people who were still fresh. And this guy was decorated with the Medal of "the Most Distinguished Service", the highest award granted by NASA. On May 25, 1984, the Mossad captured Dr. Rudolph. He was deported from Los Angeles Airport (LAX) to Munich, Germany, where he died while imprisoned.

Anyway, General LeMay had sent me from Mount Venon, Ohio to the base at Wright Patterson, Ohio also where the headquarters of the Sac, the Strategic Air Command, is located. From there, I was loaded with my rocket and some colonels aboard a C141 transport plane to fly to the base at White Sands (ntrd: in California).

Shortly after we arrived at White Sands, a black DC 9 showed up. LeMay told me that if that particular plane showed up, I was going to be in real trouble. Guys with reflective glasses in two-piece suits got off the plane. Among them was a short guy who wore a khaki uniform. I knew it was Dr. Rudolph because Dr. von Braun showed me a picture of the man.

And who was Dr. Rudolph working for?

I'm not sure. One of those government agencies with a complicated name; a soup of letters of the alphabet. But initially, he worked for NASA. As soon as he got out of the plane he asked me to see the rocket. When I asked him who he was, he replied, "oh, I'm just a guy who inspects rockets for the government." So I asked him if he worked for NASA and he replied that he had never worked for them. Then he walked over to my rocket and opened the side panel behind which the engine was located. He started muttering to himself to jabber something and he looked really pissed off. He probably thought I built something

So I took the opportunity to lean over to him and whisper in his ear, "Do you know that in proportion to its size, this engine is 10,000 times more powerful than the F1 powering the Saturn 5 rockets, Dr. Rudolph?". He got up, really angry and wanted to know who I really was and how I knew so much. I then replied, "Oh me? I'm just a kid launching rockets in cow paddocks in Ohio." (Laughs). Anyway, I had friends around me, Air Force colonels that General LeMay had assigned to take care of me.

I flew into a rage when Rudolph told me he wanted to change his landing coordinates on my rocket. For that kind of stuff, he was a really bad guy. The navigation system I used was the standard kind that was easily found. It was at that time a completely analog system (note: not digital). So I had programmed it so that the rocket would return within a radius of 3 kilometers from its starting point. Dr. Rudolph had me reprogram the coordinates so that the rocket could land 456 miles (about 684 km) northwest of White Sands at a place called Groom Lake in Nevada .

Well, I immediately grabbed my maps, looked at Groom Lake, and thought, "Oh my God, why are we launching this rocket into a dry lake bed deep in Nevada? It's so far of everything" It was at this moment that Dr. Rudoplh exclaimed, "Just obey". The man was really hostile, aggressive. It is true that Von Braun had warned me on many occasions that if I was confronted with Dr. Rudolph, I had no interest in being noticed.

Well, I reintroduced new coordinates on the navigation system, we launched the rocket which took off perfectly. And it arrived on target without problems, that's for sure. You know, until watching the movie Independence Day, I had never heard of Area 51.

How it is possible?

I just knew this place, Groom Lake. It was the only name I had heard of growing up for this place. So we were ready to board the plane to retrieve the rocket when I said, "Did you see the rubber landing gear on our aircraft? Could you be kind enough to explain to me how we are we going to put this thing on the bottom of a dry lake?

This thing will just get tangled in the ground never to leave again." Someone yelled at me asking me to buckle it up and climbed on the plane.

We arrived in Nevada after a while and as we flew over the landing site, I looked carefully at those 15,000 meter long double runways and said, "God, there's a huge base down there!"

So we landed on this place that isn't supposed to exist on any map and that's when I really got interested in what was happening. I first started by spotting the classic Navy and Air Force insignia and emblems, in short, any form of logo that could identify the authority in charge of this place, but there was nothing, anywhere, on no building. Usually; universal standard paints that one would find on a water tower that borders the grounds of an air base come in the form of checkerboard-like patterns with alternating white and orange color. But here, everything was painted in plain white or plain black. All of this did not conform to any known code.

After getting out of the plane, we embarked on a kind of golf cart, it looked like those electric cars found in some airports. From the runway, we drove through a series of hangars, finally heading to the center one. The way this place was built was really, really cool. There were for example at the top of the hangars all these enormous lamps whose openings were directed towards the ground by sending floods of light there. When you approached the buildings, they looked old and shabby but when you put your nose to them, it was made of an alloy, smooth as I had never seen before. It was a sort of incredibly pure stainless type metal coating, when we entered one of these hangars, we went to the basement. We actually drove right inside the hangar where there were little flashing lights and these huge doors. From the ground came all these little stakes that were connected to each other with chains that blocked the access door. Then, suddenly, the whole floor – the size of a football field – slowly began to move downwards. The entire hangar had been designed as a gigantic elevator.

SO; it looked more like a hydraulic bridge like you find in garages?

Yeah but it was built to hold the weight of really colossal stuff. The floor was made of concrete. God only knows what weight that thing could hold. This huge structure moved up and down on huge endless screws.

I see. This system is more stable than the hydraulic system

There's nothing better for withstanding a heavy load than a worm gear. These screws were the size of giant redwoods and there were at least 12 of them to operate the elevator. We descended at least 60 meters until we found ourselves right on the same level as the ground of an underground hangar which was huge. There were huge arches to support the ceiling but above all, this hangar was so vast, so deep, so tall that you couldn't see the end of it. It went on forever.

I thought to myself, "My God, we could fit a hundred 747s in there and they wouldn't even be in the way." At this time of the visit, I asked: "but what the hell did you do with the rubble and the earth to dig all this?". They just looked at me weird. I don't think they expected me to ask myself this kind of question.

There were 10 meter high walls behind which you could find workshops and laboratories and periodically you could see huge, really huge construction docks. We continued to drive through the hangar past all kinds of planes the likes of which I had never seen. There were some I had seen before like the XB-70.

This place was dug in the ground or in the rock?

I do not know. Everything was coated with some kind of ceramic.

I thought there were mountains surrounding this dry lake? These mountains must really be very hard, very solid?

Yeah. There are all kinds of mountains in these surroundings. But I never saw any "dirt" because it was all concrete and there was some kind of ceramic coating, something like that. But the most intriguing thing to me about the whole thing was how REALLY well-lit the undergrounds were. There was no shadow anywhere. But there was no lighting device, no lamp either. I wondered how they could have generated such light. And besides, neither the floor nor the walls seemed to shine; to generate light. But every square inch of this place was illuminated and there was no apparent source of light.

After driving for quite a while and passing quite a few planes, we took a road to the left which took us away from the center of all the activity. I could see quite a few people working on certain things. These devices all seemed operational to me. There were some that I had never seen before. They looked like reversed tears.

And there were others that looked like flying wings. One such aircraft was the XB 70, a delta-wing shaped bomber that was built in 1959.

So you were on Area 51 in 1971?

Barely. June 20, 1971. Well, there we were, it was a really strange thing when we drove up to those huge steel doors to see one of the officers put his hand on this kind of scanner that gave it to him. flashed. I thought this camera took pictures. And from hindsight, I should have actually guessed it was a retinal scanning device.Once the type was scanned, the doors opened, so I figured it was some kind of security system.

But I remind you that we were in 1971.

Let me put all of this in proper perspective. In 1971, we had no laptops, no modems, no faxes, no video, no cell phones, we didn't even have pocket calculators yet. Texas Instruments had developed these little things 5 ​​years later. So where the hell were these guys getting this kind of technology from?

As soon as we were in the room, I immediately noticed the drop in temperature because, from the large room open to the outside where we came from, it was hot. It was cold in this room. You could almost see his breathing. And just as we entered the room, the light - impossible to see where it came from - came on. And once again, there was no shadow anywhere.

Then someone flipped a switch, activated a winch to which were attached cables and a large tarp.

The tarp was lifted, and there, on a huge platform, was a huge confined electromagnetic fusion engine! I immediately knew it was because the configuration of the craft was similar to mine except it was the size of a Greyhound bus. While my engine was the size of a large watermelon!

One can easily recognize motors that are in fact comparable. If I had taken an old internal combustion engine out of a Model A Ford and placed it next to a modern engine, that of a Viper for example, you would notice that they work on the same principle. internal combustion. However, the differences between their respective performance are incredible and incomparable.

It was the same comparison there was between my little engine and the huge thing it had stored in this shelter. underground. They both worked on the same principle with the same general configuration but regarding the level of sophistication, it was basically a Ford Model A engine against a Viper. This thing was so powerful! And then there were a whole bunch of structures and configurations that I didn't recognize for reasons that became clear as the story progressed.

At that time, you were just inspecting the motor, but regarding the rest of the aircraft, where was it?

Well, that's where the argument started. They first asked me if I liked what I saw. I said, "Well, yeah but I'm puzzled, I thought I was the first to have built this type of engine. This is where things really got weird. The Colonel who accompanied Dr Rudolph told me: "Son, you want to help us design this thing which is very similar to your invention, right? You want to help your country don't you?".

Well, I had a blanket decorated with an American flag and I listened to Anita Bryant's speeches before I fell asleep.

Even during the 70s, I was a real patriot who liked to wave a little flag. Although this kind of behavior was not really popular while the Vietnam War was still raging. My classmates couldn't understand why I loved America so much, but that was how I was raised.

Well, so initially, I agreed with the Colonel to help my country. However, I couldn't suppress my curiosity and asked, "where are the people who built this engine?".

He paused for a moment then replied: "Good, well, they are on vacation for the moment. You yourself are also on summer vacation, aren't you?". I then replied, "Yes, that's fine. But did they leave any notes on their work that I could review?". So, I was answered: "Well, they took them with them to do their homework. You also have school homework, don't you?" And I was like, 'See, that's really a very condescending attitude. I'm 17.' But hey, that was how he treated a 17-year-old guy back then. So, I was like, "OK, I'm going to play with these assholes too."

I agreed to help but told them I needed to examine the engine more closely. They agreed and so I was able to move towards the platform which overlooked the engine. AND the closer I got to the craft, the more I thought to myself that these people had no idea what this craft REALLY was and that they were probably still trying to figure it out. what were facing. And when I found myself barely a meter from the engine, the first thing I noticed was that there was a perfect shadow of myself on the engine. And what did I tell you earlier?

That there was no shadow anywhere.

Barely. So how come my shadow was drawing on this thing? And the strangest thing is that my shadow was moving, reacting with a second delay after me. It really caught my attention. I then thought, "If this thing is what I think it is...some kind of heat-sensing alloy." So, I figured we didn't have any known hardware capable of such things.

I looked down at the engine and asked permission to climb to the top to examine the area that had been damaged. This thing had a hole over a meter in diameter on one of its sides and that was the place that actually interested me the most. Now try to visualize the number eight. All right! Imagine where the two circles of this number intersect and it would be the eye of a tornado. It was at this precise point that the damage to the engine was located. Figuring out how my own engine worked, I saw that there was a break in the fluxes of the electromagnetic field which acted where the containment wall contains the power of the jet engine. like sorts of spheres or magnetic bottles that contain inside the power of a sun or a hydrogen bomb that wouldn't stop exploding. He does It's not impossible to see how it works because these phenomena take place all the time in space. Black holes pump entire galaxies full of suns into their single point of singularity. And obviously, a black hole has no trouble containing the energy of fusion.

What I did was to mathematically model how you could create a black hole artificially. And because it works based on the structure, the drawing of the number eight, once the reaction is stabilized, it will implode and burn without destroying everything around it. So this craft at Area 51 had lost its stability within the figure eight structure and that's why I was so curious about the hole, the breach in the engine.

The way we built this thing was really cool. There were no nuts, rivets, or bottom-to-top and top-to-bottom welds anywhere you look. Rather, it looked as if this contraption had grown and been bred, as if cultivated rather than assembled. And I was like, "Man; whoever built this device must have had some absolutely amazing building techniques"/

Over the years, I have been able to reproduce this manufacturing process on a certain scale through an experimental model. This model flew aboard one of the space shuttle missions of 1993. The experiment was part of the GAS program (Get away special program). This consists of renting a space that can house a box with a volume of 55 gallons, or 222 liters. The first thing I did was mix the different metal alloys together and when you start that mixing motion in a zero gravity environment you can create whatever you want in any dimension because I had figured out a way to control the process. It was actually always a question of how to shape liquid metals in a zero-gravity environment. It is a real miracle.

Made a shape without using a mold?

Exactly. I imagined how to make a small liquid sphere suspended in this environment without gravity with these alloys and the way to control the process. Each shape and geometric dimension corresponds to a sound wave. So I built a machine paired with a Moog synthesizer, a system that allowed me to replicate any shape I wanted just by playing notes. This machine generates sound waves which intertwine and which vibrate, even in space and which allowed me to shape, to create forms from liquid metals.

This experience demonstrated to me the existence of what I had suspected when I first examined the craft at Area 51: whoever built this engine used this process. It even raised a much larger question in my mind. Who could build such a large craft in space? I never spoke about it publicly. Except I was curious and wanted to copy the outline of this contraption which had clearly been built in a zero-gravity environment.

Which means in interplanetary space!

No, rather in deep space like intergalactic space far from any planet and any star.

I take it you didn't want your manufacturing process to encounter gravitational fields?

Absolutely. As far as possible, the better. This is called gravitational convection. It is advisable to avoid the appearance of any current of gravitational convection which would influence the process of shaping of the alloy.

Anyway, when I put my hands on the engine to get up, I then started to climb on the outside of the engine which had been built on the basis of a structure, an exoskeleton . The best way to explain what I saw is to look at the drawings made by HR Giger, the creator of all the sets in the Alien film series.

And what happened when you touched the craft?

It was hot which actually doesn't mean anything. It was so cold in that shed you could almost see his breathing. I examined the ground and did not detect any electric cable connected to the machine. So, I wondered, "How the hell can this alloy stay hot?" And besides, he looked incredibly tough. It was the hardest, most massive material I had ever touched. There were no flaws. And the tension as well as the cohesion of this surface was more like the skin of a baby. It was soft, hard and hot all at the same time.

It's very strange, especially for metal?

Yeah and I was like, 'Damn, what's going on here?'. And I started to touch the machine in all directions and in addition it reacted. When I turned back to the Air Force guys, they were all looking at me blankly, their mouths hanging open. So, I then thought that the reaction they had observed on the craft had not happened with them. Because wherever I touched, there were these strange blue and white swirls and swirls swirling around the hull of the craft. It looked like the wavelengths you can see on an oscilloscope.

When I removed my hands, the phenomenon stopped. I then thought to myself: Wow, this thing reacts". So I kept climbing up the sides of the engine until I reached the central area. down like some kind of fibers. It almost looked like fiber optic cables filled with some kind of fluid. There were very fine filaments the size of very, very fine spaghetti, like angel hair. It There were millions of these things cascading down the franks of the engine shell. And I was thinking, 'boy, these structures look familiar.' Then it suddenly seemed obvious to me: they looked like synaptic structures. neuronal.

So I thought this engine was designed as an exo-skeletal brain. At that moment I grabbed a handful of these fibers and found that these fibers were tough, tough, and that there was fluid flowing through them. And wherever I put my hand, wherever I touched, there was a reaction like a kind of quivering of visual lights.

As I was walking inside this thing in the rugged area, I ultimately said to these Air Force guys, "You know, this thing is a powerhouse. It's obviously from 'a large vehicle, some kind of vessel. Where is this vessel?' At that time they weren't really happy but I continued: "A ship like this had to have a crew. What did you do with these people? This is clearly not Soviet or American technology, is not "Isn't it guys? It's some kind of alien entity. How old is this thing? Have you done any research on it? Is it millions of years old? Where did you find it?" 'have shot?' So there, man, they were really mad. They ordered the military police guy to get me off the engine. And as I was coming down, I thought to myself that they were really pissing me off.

I really shit serious and I was fed up.

At that moment, I knew exactly what game I was playing. I knew that this craft came from a place other than the earth. I didn't know where this thing came from or how long they had it, but it became clear that my whole view of the world was unraveling at this moment. I had grown up in a world where the government would never lie. We landed on the moon a year ago. And here, the Air Force had this kind of technology and wouldn't say a word about it, which really pissed me off.

Let's go back a little bit. When you were on the engine you had seen something that you had told me about in a prior conversation that I find really fascinating. How and when did you see the inside of the reactor? Could you describe the crystals to me?

What happened was that I asked permission to inspect the damaged area that was inside the craft where it had exploded creating a breach. They hesitated to respond favorably to this request.

This episode was before you made them angry?

Before I got out of the hilly area, completely overwhelmed... because when I entered this thing, they had asked me not to make it long. Man, there was technology above, below, all over this thing that looked totally amazing. But I couldn't penetrate more than a meter before I hit a wall, a wall. And this wall... it looked like the iris shutter of a camera lens. And there were also a large number of blade-like structures, fan-like beams that opened and closed. Seeing this device, I then thought that it formed the most ingenious door. Okay, and then there was this kind of little round push button that was there and I just put my hand on it. At this moment, the wall opened.

This opened up for you?

It made a very faint noise.

Maybe they took inspiration from this technology for the door opening system you saw at Aire 51?

It's possible. I've no idea. So I was able to look at the craft more thoroughly. And what I saw was absolutely fascinating. It was such a journey to be in there despite what I had done working on my own fusion engine where everything was so small in it; I even had to make some parts using a microscope. And here was the basic replica of my engine schematic but it was big enough to walk around in. But man, this thing, this thing...what I had to build to get my engine to work, this thing had to have something else in its heart. And that something else was of a nature that I was unable to recognize. There were these crystals facing each other. There were fabulous structures that looked like crystals.

While in my engine, I had a hard time having a cyclotron in order to bend the discharges and the wave flows that I needed for propulsion. This thing had some sort of plasma expulsion system through a structure that looked like the gills of a shark. And the whole thing looked so organic at the same time. It looked like a living machine, organic and inorganic (ndtr: mechanical) incorporated together. It was an oxymoron (note: meetings of two apparently contradictory things).

How to explain such a thing? So anyway, I had just seen a lot of stuff that I couldn't believe.

How many minutes were you alone inside this machine?

I don't think I stayed there for more than 5 minutes. I know it doesn't look very long but it felt like I was there for a week.

And I think you told me you had a photographic memory?

Yeah. I memorized everything non-stop. I was just absorbing everything and everything was absorbing me into this thing. And when I left inside the engine, I hadn't touched the kind of push button that was before the strange iris-shaped wall. And as soon as I walked through the door, it closed behind me. I never told the Air Force guys that I got into that part of the craft. I actually think they never knew there was another compartment inside the craft that you could enter.

For what?

I don't think the device would have granted them access. This machine was like a kind of presence. Just as you have the presence of a person or an entity. This thing had its own. So, I walked out of the craft completely pissed off because I knew there was no way we had built it. This craft used some sort of crystal power containment field that we couldn't even conceive of. I would have had to work on this forever before I could figure out how they modeled this thing into an equation. While I was using plasma in a linear, unidirectional mode, this thing was designed to move in n'

Which is impossible. With a rocket?

Yeah; This thing could do whatever it wanted. And I really wondered who the hell built this thing. So as I started to descend on the outer sides of the craft, after our big argument, I noticed that wherever I touched the craft, IT was no longer reacting with the beautiful swirls of blue and white energy. It had changed to a pattern of orange-red colored flames. And when I calmed down to check what was to come, it went back to the more tranquil blue and white patterns.

It was then that I realized that this device was not just sensitive to heat but reacted to mental waves. This thing entered into symbiosis and harmonized with your feelings and your thoughts. She was allowing herself to interact with you. And that meant this thing was conscious....AND it knew it was there.

AND I knew she knew I was there.