
Geologist Steeve Stroy:

  "First of all, I must specify that I found 44 lunar sites, with anomalies suspicious." 

 Amateur geologist Steve Stroy has been studying NASA lunar photos for six years. Following this intense research, he claims to have found proof of an extraterrestrial presence under a lunar crater. 

 "Around the impact of this crater, we find all the normal geology. But on the side of the crater, we also find orthogonal and geometric shapes as well as lunar ruins. One of the particular objects is the object called is the structure called "the rampart", which is 8 km long. " 

 In addition to this structure, Stroy believes he has found remains of glass domes, relics of an earlier civilization.

 "The things you see on the Moon are something huge. It's artificial, it's not natural." on Mars is also a reality.

The cosmonauts of the Apollo mission saw and even filmed the lunar base nicknamed LUNA. Their official NASA photographs show us structures in the shape of domes, spirals, large circular structures that look like silos, as well as huge T-shaped mining vehicles that traced marks on the surface of the Moon. similar to the scars that stitches leave on the skin.

We also see various types of spacecraft, some absolutely gigantic, others much smaller. This is that American-Soviet-Alien base that we talked about.

The astronauts of the Apollo missions learned it reluctantly. The shock they experienced was not without affecting their lives, as evidenced by their behavior afterwards, not to mention that they had to submit to the harsh reality of the conspiracy of silence when they were ordered to conceal what they had seen, otherwise they would be exposed to "the expeditious procedure".

There are regions on the Moon where plant life thrives. The plants there change colors with the seasons, because it there are also seasons on the Moon since the Moon does not always present us with exactly the same side, as we generally think. revealing a little more of the edges of its visible side]. There are also artificial lakes as well as ponds on its surface, and clouds have been observed and filmed in its atmosphere. The lunar atmospheric pressure being much lower than on Earth, cosmonauts must adapt to it using a depressurization technique similar to that of deep divers. This pressure is nevertheless sufficient so that it is not necessary for them to put on a spacesuit.

Milton William Cooper: 

I now have in my possession official NASA photographs of one of the moon bases.

Thanks to the gravitational field of the Moon, they can stay on its surface, simply equipped with a bottle of oxygen like frogmen.

I personally have official NASA photographs of this. Some are published in Fred Steckling's book We discovered Alien Bases on the Moon and in Someone Else is on the Moon.

In 1969, a confrontation took place between the Soviets and the Americans on the lunar base. The Soviets tried to take over the base and took the American scientists and personnel hostage. We were able to restore order after no less than 66 deaths.

The Soviets suspended their program for a period of 2 years. There was finally reconciliation and we started to act together again.

According to William Cooper, there has been a lunar base for some time, in the COPERNIC crater.

Extra terrestrial moon bases: a US Army veteran testifies.

The following story (testimony was taken up and expanded upon in Dr. Steven Greer's book: Revelations) was submitted by an Air Force veteran who had access to security level above Top Secret. He wrote under a pseudonym because of his national security oath. He says he did not reveal this story until today.

 “Nearly 30 years ago, my supervising Sergeant called me from the sidelines and informed me that there was a problem in a high-security area of ​​the airbase. At that time, all systems were down. improved in order to aid the military effort in the war in Viet-Nam".

"It was my job to maintain the electronic photographic systems, highly classified intelligence, recently installed on the base. Our unit was under the command of the Director of Intelligence at SAC Headquarters, Tactical Air Command, Langley, Virginia."

"My supervisor stated that the lunar orbital program had a problem with a photographic printer identical to the equipment we used in our own unit. This was the first lunar orbital program whose purpose was to take photographs, at close range, of the lunar surface. These photos would later be used to choose a suitable landing site for the first manned moon landing, in 1969."

 "As the only electronics repairman on the base, and furthermore having Cryptological level access, a step above Top-Secret, I was tasked with seeing if I could find the problem. While driving through the base , I noticed an experimental helicopter which was maintained on the spot and just above the massive hangar made of gray metal, one of largest of the base, and which sheltered the lunar project".

 "Once I entered the hangar, I was asked to present my Top Secret pass. In exchange, I was given an ID badge for the highest level of internal security. Another guard escorted me through the various security doors to a large open area in the hangar. Large black curtains, hanging from the ceiling, compartmentalised this area. Passing through a curtain, I entered a space where a small group of people were talking quietly I was immediately struck by the number of people present, who appeared to be civilians, as well as scientists from other countries."

"Who were they? I felt something strange, something was wrong. A man in civilian clothes and a lab coat came to me. It was the project leader, Dr. Collie, he He was very gracious and reserved. He calmly explained to me that the equipment in question was used in the process of developing the photographs of the lunar surface and that the whole team would be very grateful if he could do something for it. "A soldier accompanied me into the darkroom. Inside was another young soldier who was assembling strips of 35mm film into what they called a mosaic."

It was something that couldn't be done in the red light of a darkroom. This unit needed to be removed from the darkroom and moved to a more appropriate location to perform this troubleshooting work."

" What do you mean ? he repeated again, "they found a base on the moon!" and at the same time showed me a photograph. It was a mosaic of the lunar surface with some clearly visible geometric structures. Looking closer, I could see spheres and towers. My first thought was, "What is this base?" and then I realized the implication of all of this: It wasn't from Earth."

what was found on the far side of the moon. I feel it is my duty to take the risk of coming to the fore with this information."


In 1969, the base was built northwest of Dulce with an agreement between the CIA and the extraterrestrials. The base is allegedly located in the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. The entrance is on Mount Archuleta (or Archuleta Mesa). The base gets its water and electricity from the Navajo River, and dumps dirty water into the same river. The US Government occupies the upper levels of the underground base, and the aliens control the lower levels.

Revelation by Phil Schneider

I would first like to repeat to you that the United States is truly a beautiful nation. I have traveled to over 70 different countries and I cannot remember a country that has the beauty of the United States and the charm of its people.

In order to give you an overview of my achievements, know that I started my studies in a polytechnic school (note: engineering school). I therefore devoted half of my training to this field of study and I built my reputation both as a geologist and as a civil engineer with specializations in the military and aerospace fields. I participated in the construction of two bases of major importance in the United States, one of which at least acquired a certain notoriety in what is called "the New World Order". This is the Dulce base in New Mexico.

In 1979, I was involved in a shootout with "humanoid" aliens and was one of the only survivors of that incident. And I'm probably the only survivor you'll ever hear about it. Two other survivors are now under close surveillance. I am the last to know of the detailed records of the operation as a whole. A total of 66 security guards, FBI, black berets and the like died in that shootout and I was there.

First of all, know that much of what I'm about to tell you is going to be quite shocking. And probably totally amazing. And so, I would ask you to be open-minded. Plus, you're free to do your own research. I know that the freedom for information act (editor's note: freedom for information act is a law which allows any American citizen to demand the "declassification" of secret government documents at the end of a rather tedious procedure) is little thing but it is what we have done best.

A local administrative library is a good place to watch parliamentary records. administration). It is therefore by striving to do research that we will remain vigilant and firm with regard to this country.

Deep sea military bases and occult projects

I love my country better than my own life and if I expose myself here to the risk of my life, it is not without reason because I believe in what I do. The first part of this presentation concerns deep military bases and the question of hidden budgets. Hidden budgets are budgets sealed by definition with the seal of secrecy and which "pump" nearly 25% of the GNP (gross national product) of the United States. These shadow budgets consume nearly 1.25 trillion dollars annually and are at the very least allocated to occult, secret programs such as those at deep military bases. To date, there would be more than 129 underground installations of this type in the United States.

They have been building these bases tirelessly, day and night, since the early 1940s. And some of them were even built long before that time. These bases consist in fact of large underground cities linked together by high-speed magnetic levitation trains whose cruising speed exceeds Mach 2 (more than 2000 Km/h). Several books have been devoted to these subjects. My friend Al Bielek owns my last copy.

Richard Sauder, a graduate architect, risked his life speaking out on these issues. He has worked with a number of government agencies in the area of ​​deep underground military bases. In Idaho alone, where you live, there are no less than 11 such facilities.

The average depth of these bases is more than a mile (more than 1500 meters) and they are in fact real underground cities. In terms of volume, these are facilities ranging from 2.66 to 4.25 cubic miles (between 4 and 6 cubic kilometers). They have laser drilling machines capable of digging a tunnel of 7 miles (more 10km) in length in one day. These "hidden projects" circumvent the authority of Congress and are therefore totally illegal. And today, the very functioning of the New World Order rests on the existence of these bases. If I had known about the involvement of the New World Order in this project at the time I was working on it, I would never have collaborated. I have been more than deceived.

Military technology development involving German interests in hyperspace technologies and more...

Basically, for a "calendar" year that passes, corresponds to a good 44.5 years in terms of technological progress. This is why it is easier to understand the fact that as early as 1943, THEY were able to create a ship that could literally disappear at one point and appear at another thanks to the use of a technology based on the use of vacuum tubes. My father, Otto Oskar Schneider fought during the war on both sides (note: US and German).

Initially, he was captain aboard a U Boat (note: German submarine) to be subsequently captured and repatriated to the United States. He was involved in various projects such as the atomic bomb, the hydrogen bomb, the Philadelphia experiment (note: alleged project aimed at creating a ship invisible to radars and which would have led "by accident" to time travel whose first act took place on a ship, the USS Eldrige in 1943). He was the inventor of a high-speed camera that filmed the first nuclear experiments that took place on Bikini Atoll on July 12, 1946.

I have the original shots from these tests and these photos show a UFO flying over the place where the bomb was located at high speed. At that time, the region of Bikini was really "infested" by UFO sightings, especially under the sea and the indigenous populations saw their cattle victim of mutilations. And it was also at this time that General Mc Arthur estimated that the next conflict would be with extraterrestrial beings from other universes.

Anyway, it was my father who carried out with certain theoreticians the preparatory work for the Philadelphia experiment as well as other projects. What does this have to do with me? Nothing except the fact that this man was my father. I can't approve of what he did, but on the other hand, I can't help but think he had a lot of guts coming here. He was hated in Germany. There was reportedly a $1 million reward payable in gold for anyone who killed him. And of course, they didn't succeed. So let's get back to our subject, that of deep underground bases.

The Dulce Base Shootout 

In 1954, under the rule of the Eisenhower administration, the federal government decided to bypass the American Constitution and sign a treaty with extraterrestrial entities. This treaty was baptized the "Greada Treaty of 1954" whose agreements provide that the signatory extraterrestrials had the right to remove a few heads of cattle or to test their implant techniques on a few human beings, on the understanding that they had the accountability for the experiments carried out against those involved in the case.

Gradually, the extraterrestrials no longer respected the terms of the treaty until the moment when they decided quite simply to do as they saw fit. Such was the situation in 1979. And it was at this time that the Dulce shooting occurred almost accidentally. I was busy building ancillary facilities at the deepest military base at Dulce, which arguably turns out to be the deepest base. It is spread over more than 7 levels, reaching a depth of 2.5 miles (more than 4km).

At this time we were busy digging 4 separate deep excavations in the desert. We intended to link them together and blast large sections of land at once to do this. My job was to go down these boreholes to take soil samples to determine the type of explosive that should be used. As I descended into the work site, we found ourselves confronted with a large number of extraterrestrial entities in the heart of a huge cave, extraterrestrials known as Large Grays (note: Large Grays in opposition to short grays or Lesser Greys, a small X Files-type humanoid).

I shot two of them. At this moment, there must have been about thirty people involved in this affair. Nearly 40 other entities came as reinforcements after the incident began and all of them were killed. We had stumbled upon an important extraterrestrial base. Later, we actually discovered that these extraterrestrial entities had been living on our planet for a long time, possibly millions of years. This can probably explain a lot about the "ancient astronaut" theories.

Anyway, I was shot in the chest by one of their guns which turned out to be some sort of casing they wore on my body, a gun which literally pierced my body and inflicted a beautiful dose of cobalt radiation. I got cancer from it.

I didn't really get interested in UFO technology until I started working at the Area 51 site north of Las Vegas. After more than two years spent recovering from the Dulce incident, I started working again for different firms like Morrisson and Knudson, EG&G etc.…. At the Area 51 site, they were testing different types of very specific extraterrestrial vessels. How many people are familiar with the Bob Lazar case? He was actually a physicist whose job it was to figure out how some of these ships were propelled.

Other revelations 

By the end of 1979, Thomas C. could no longer cope with the staggering reality he was facing. A senior security officer at the Joint Extraterrestrial/US Government Base in Dulce, he had learned and witnessed some disturbing things. After a great internal tug of war, he had decided to desert the establishment, taking along various elements.

Equipped with a small camera, he took more than 30 photos in different areas of the multi-level complex. He gathered documents and grabbed a security video tape in the Control Center showing different views of labs, hallways, aliens and US government personnel. Then, cutting off the alarm and the camera system in one of the 100 exits to the surface, he left the installations with the photos, the video and the documents. He hid the originals after making a set of five copies.

Thomas was ready to go into hiding. But, when he went to pick up his wife and son, he was awaited by government agents in a van. His wife and child had been taken away. He had been betrayed by K. Lomas (a college). The agents wanted what Thomas had taken from the base in exchange for his wife and son. When it became apparent to him that they would be used in biological experiments and were not going to be returned to him unharmed, he decided to disappear. This was over 10 years ago. How did Thomas get involved in all this secret intrigue?

Thomas, now 50, received top-secret photography training in an underground facility in West Virginia when he was around 25. For seven years he worked in high level security photography in the Air Force. In 1971, he left this job to join the Rand Corp in Santa Monica, California. In 1977 he was transferred to the Dulce facilities. He bought a house in Santa Fe, New Mexico and worked Monday through Friday. He traveled to his work by means of a deep underground pipe fitted with a tube-shaped shuttle.

At that time he had a fellow researcher who worked in security in Santa Fe, New Mexico and was doing personal investigations of UFO sightings, animal mutilations, Masonic and witchcraft groups in the area. In 1979, a mutual friend came to Santa Fe to visit them both. The visitor read the photos, the video tape and the documents on the Dulce Base. Drawings were made which then circulated in the urological community under the name of "Dossiers Dulce".

According to Thomas there were more than 18,000 little "grays" in the Dulce facilities. He also saw reptilian humanoids there. A colleague of his came face to face with a four-foot-tall reptoid that had materialized in his house. The reptoid showed interest in wall maps showing research results in New Mexico and Colorado. They were studded with colored pins and markers indicating animal mutilation sites, caverns, locations of high UFO activity, common flight paths, abduction sites, ancient ruins and suspected locations of underground bases. aliens.

Dulce's multi-layered facilities feature a CORE CORE controlled by law enforcement. The level of security increases as one descends into the depths. Thomas had clearance level ULTRA-7. He knew the 7 degrees but it is possible that there were others. The aliens are assumed to occupy levels 5, 6, and 7, with 5 being the accommodations. The only English-language sign is in the hallway of the shuttle-tube station and reads "towards Los Alamos". There are connections from Dulce to facilities in Page, Arizona and then to an underground base below Sector 51 in Nevada. Dulce is also connected to settlements below Taos, New Mexico; Date (NM); Colorado Springs, Colorado; Creed, Colorado; Sandia' then to Carlsbad, New Mexico. It seems that there is a vast underground network of connections under the United States constituting an overall system of tunnels and underground cities.

In the Dulce Base, most of the inscriptions on doors and in the hallways are in an alien language or in a universal symbol system understood by both cultures. Thomas said that from the second level everyone strips naked, is weighed and is assigned a uniform. Visitors have an off-white uniform consisting of a zipped jumpsuit. The person's weight is recorded daily on a computerized identification card. Every change in weight is monitored and above 1.5 kilos a physical examination and an X-ray are required.

There are scales attached to the floor under the access doors to all sensitive areas. Staff insert their access card into a slot in the door and type in their access code. For the door to open, the weight and code must match what is recorded on the card. In case of disagreement, security is immediately called. No one is allowed to carry anything. All supplies are transported by conveyor and X-rayed. The return of a sensitive area is carried out under the same conditions.

All elevators work magnetically, they do not have cables. The magnetic system is in the walls of the well, there is no conventional electrical control. Everything is controlled by advanced magnetic processes, including the lighting. There are no ordinary light bulbs and the tunnels are illuminated by fluorescent broadband lights. In some deep tunnels a kind of phosphorous pentoxide is used for temporary lighting. For unknown reasons the aliens do not enter these areas.

On level 1 is the garage for surface maintenance.

Level 2 houses trains, shuttles, drills and disc maintenance.

In level 4 we do research on the human aura, and also on all aspects of telepathy, hypnosis and dreams. Thomas says they know how to separate the bioplasmic body from the physical body to place the life-energy-matrix of an extraterrestrial entity into a human body after removing the man's spiritual life-energy-matrix .

Level 6 is nicknamed "the Hall of Nightmare." There are genetic laboratories where experiments are carried out on fish, seals, birds and mice whose original form is greatly altered. There are multi-armed, multi-legged humans, various cages and vats containing bat-like creatures over two meters tall. Extraterrestrials have taught humans a great deal about genetics, things that are both useful and dangerous.

Grays and Reptoids are eminently analytical and very technology-oriented. They have been at war in the past with Norse-like humans from other space civilizations and it is possible that they will stop here for future conflict. Crazy about computers and bio-engineering, they are driven to conduct irresponsible experiments without regard for what we consider to be moral and empathetic towards other living beings.

The main government organizations involved in human genetic mapping, the "Genome Project", are the Department of Energy (largely present at the Nevada Test Site); the National Institute of Health; the National Foundation for Science; The Howard Huges Medical Institute; and, of course, the Dulce underground labs which are run by the Department of Defense (DOD). Thomas had revealed that the head of genetic experiments for Los Alamos and Dulce was Larry Deaven.

According to Thomas, the androgynous alien reproduces by parthenogenesis. In Dulce the most common form is that of embryonic fractionation. Each embryo divides into 6 to 9 individual "cunne" (pronounced counet), that is to say children of the same parents. The food necessary for the growth of the cunne consists of a "formula" usually composed of plasma, deoxyhemoglobin, albumin, lysozyme, an electro-positive solution, amniotic fluid and the like. The term "genome" is used to describe the totality of chromosomes unique to a particular organism (or cell of that organism), as opposed to the genotype, which is the information contained in those chromosomes. Human genes are located at specific chromosomal locations. Decrypting them is an ambitious project that will take years and require a lot of computer resources.

Is extraterrestrial and human BIOTECHNOLOGY intended to heal and benefit us or to control and dominate us? Why were UFO abductees used in genetic experiments? It was when Thomas saw some caged humans on Level 7 of the Dulce base that things came to a head for him. Thousands of human beings, remnants of human mixture, humanoid embryos kept in cold storage row after row. “I often met humans in cages, they were usually dazed or drugged but sometimes they were screaming and begging for help,” Thomas said willingly.

We were told that these people were hopelessly insane and employed in high-risk drug testing to cure insanity. We had been told never to speak to them. At first we believed this story. Finally in 1978 a small group of workers discovered the truth. And that's where the Dulce wars started."

More recently, a team of researchers went up to Archuleta Mesa to carry out sound surveys of the basement. A first computer analysis seems to indicate the presence there How long will this area of ​​New Mexico known to insiders as Section 'D' remain impenetrable and silent?


Dulce Base: 

Pine Gap, Australia

Pine Gap, officially known as the Joint Defense Space Research Facility but commonly referred to as Pine Gap, serves various purposes. Initially, it was established for the research and development of space defense technology, with the primary responsibility falling under the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) based in the United States. The base is located in a small valley at the foot of the Macdonnell Range, approximately 12 miles from central Australia.

Pine Gap is believed to have unique features, including an exceptionally deep and straight water well, drilled to a depth of at least 8,535 meters (8.5 km). Speculations suggest that this well could serve as an underground antenna for the distribution of very low-frequency electricity. Some theories propose that Pine Gap engages in research related to the upper atmosphere and subsoil, potentially involving the tuning of a large standing wave field around the planet.

There are also rumors about Pine Gap housing a sizable nuclear power plant to support its extensive transceiver capabilities. Other speculated projects include high-voltage plasma accelerators for energy production, advanced weaponry such as a "death ray" or plasma cannon, and specialized energy emissions used to recharge electric submarines in the Indian Ocean.

The presence of a hidden underground city near Pine Gap has been suggested, given reported sightings of military planes delivering supplies and modern furniture to the area. Some theorize that Pine Gap may serve as a shelter for key US personnel in the event of natural disasters or global-scale nuclear attacks, potentially referred to as "Noah's Ark."

Pine Gap's surveillance capabilities have been a subject of interest, with claims that it operates photographic satellites as part of Operation Big Bird. These satellites, weighing 9 tons and measuring 16 meters in length, are said to possess the ability to scan the entire Earth's surface every 24 hours and capture high-resolution images of specific strategic areas.

Lastly, it is mentioned that Dr. Steven Greer received testimony from an individual claiming to have had an extraordinary experience during a helicopter transfer to Pine Gap. According to this account, the side of a seemingly ordinary hill opened like a hologram, revealing a deep area containing large man-made UFOs, including triangular-shaped craft.


the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center, is a secretive military research facility located in the Bermuda Triangle. Its exact mission is undisclosed to the public.

Situated on the island of Andros, approximately 280 km southeast of West Palm Beach, Florida, AUTEC encompasses the "tongue of the ocean," a deep oceanic ravine that spans between Andros and New Providence in the Bahamas. This area experiences a drastic change in ocean depth, ranging from 3 meters near the coast of Andros to nearly 2000 meters within a distance of 150 km.

The terrestrial portion of the center covers 250 hectares, while its oceanic area extends over an impressive 430,000 hectares. Access to the base is highly restricted, and stringent security measures are in place, prohibiting any photography or filming on-site.

AUTEC has been likened to an underwater counterpart of the secretive Area 51, where alleged extraterrestrial studies have taken place. Within AUTEC itself, electromagnetic anomalies have been reported, posing potential risks to surrounding ships and aircraft.

Additionally, numerous sightings of mysterious machines near AUTEC have been documented. Witnesses have described these machines performing extraordinary maneuvers, such as tight turns and rapid accelerations. In some instances, witnesses have observed inanimate objects floating on the water that later revealed themselves to be futuristic-looking craft. These objects have been reported to take off at incredible speeds and disappear beneath the water's surface.

These enigmatic activities associated with the secret underwater base have fueled speculation and inquiries among researchers investigating the Bermuda Triangle's infamous disappearances.

The Bahamas is also known for its blue holes, underwater caves that form distinct and deep depressions in the sea floor. These blue holes, which originated approximately 18,000 years ago, can reach depths exceeding 100 meters. Powerful currents and whirlpools present risks for divers, potentially capable of sinking small boats.

Diver Rob Palmer theorized that these blue holes could serve as transit points for UFOs entering from another dimension. His investigations have led him closer to AUTEC, as numerous blue holes are found in its vicinity.

Surfing: Can you tell us more about the day-to-day events that would take place at Cheyenne Mountain?

Maynard: First of all, I would like you to understand a little bit of the background of what is happening at Cheyenne Mountain, which will give the reader a concrete picture of what we are talking about when we talk about "everyday contact. ".

A long time ago there was an organization called Space Command, there was also Norad (North American Air Defense Command, the command center of North American air defense) which was deployed to protect the North American continent from any attack. That was the main reason the Cheyenne Mountain complex was built. The primary purpose of this joint American-Canadian organization was to support SAC, Strategic Air Command, and the Missile Air Defense Program.

Over time, satellite surveillance was incorporated into the command structure of a lesser known organization called the NRO, the National Reconnaissance Office. The NRO is typically an organization formed for occult operations (Black Ops type organization). It was the NRO's task to obtain information via the Ariel system and/or satellite imagery. As space activity grew exponentially in the process, another command structure was installed to take over these activities on its own. It is this structure that has been named Space Command.

It is the purview and responsibility of Space Command to maintain a consistent and uninterrupted flow of data about the daily activities on Earth and in near space of spacecraft entering our atmosphere. This command structure is jointly supported by all the military organizations as well as by NASA and by various private firms of the military-industrial complex such as Hughes, EG&G and Dryden and SAC.

All of these organizations provide money; labor force and support activities. To some degree this is a joint process in which the NRO turns out to be basically an Air Force led operation supported by all military commands. The 3 organizations, the NRO, the Norad and the Space Command are directly supported operationally by the NSA, the National Security Agency (National Security Agency responsible for communications control, among other things) and in return, they provide the NSA with information.

Space Command acts as an air traffic controller for all activity above and around US territory. I have worked to gather information to substantiate my allegations regarding these daily contacts.

In recent years, there have been a series of known or alleged incidents which could indicate the existence of contact with UFOs or extraterrestrials on a daily basis. While these incidents are suspicious at best, there is a series of unrelated factors in each incident that sound familiar. After thoroughly reviewing each of these incidents (which I don't feel comfortable naming at this time) and continuing my uninterrupted research, I have noted similarities and patterns of misinformation that have been used from so that people laugh at the facts that have been reported. After applying my knowledge of misinformation, I began to see the truth behind each of these incidents. This prompted me to increase my own research which has continued to this day and does not just involve the Cheyenne Mountain complex. I hope to soon have a paper ready for publication later this fall or winter with the results of what I have discovered.