Programs & Emblems.

The United States have long studied the UFO subject as shown by these different programs:

Project GLEEM : Project initiated by order of President Eisenhower In 1953, believing that UFO's presented a threat to the national security of the United States. Project Gleem became Project Aquarius in 1966.

Project AQUARIUS : Project that identifies the history of the presence of extraterrestrials on Earth, and interactions with humans for the last 25,000 years. From homo-sapiens until now.

UPI project: Interplanetary Unit project. Unit dependent on the US Army. the records of this unit would represent the largest accumulation of evidence on the presence of "Forces alien to Earth".

MAJI Project : Means Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence, in other words, major organization for contact with extraterrestrial intelligences. all information and misinformation passes through this agency. It works with the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), NSA (National Security Agency), DIA (Defence Intelligence Agency), and Navy Intelligence (US Navy Secret Service). All extra-terrestrial projects would be under his control.

MOON DUST project : Originally, this project was designed by the US military to recover debris from Soviet space objects. In times of peace, this project "slid" towards the recovery of objects from UFOs.

BLUE FLY project : Project closely linked to the MOON DUST project, it seems to have been created before it, in February 1960 and then integrated into the MOON DUST project.

Project PLATO : Project responsible for diplomatic relations with extraterrestrials. An agreement with the extra-terrestrials would have been made. In exchange for technology their presence on Earth is kept secret, and they are left to conduct their experiments/abductions (TAU-IX Treaty).

Project PLUTO : Project aiming to evaluate all UFOs.

Project REDLIGHT / CETUS : Project responsible for testing salvaged ships. It is carried out at the Area 51/S4 site in Nevada.  However a salvage ship exploded in mid-air and the pilots were killed.   The project was put on hold until the EBE's accepted the requested help.

SNOWBIRD project : Project cover of the REDLIGHT project. The US military built a fake flying saucer that made several flights in public in an attempt to give rational explanations for UFO sightings.

GALILEO project : Project to study antigravitational propulsion systems in Area S-4.

SIGMA project: Project of communications with the extra-terrestrials. It is always relevant when it comes to communications.

Project BANDO : Project Originally created in 1949. Its mission was to collect and evaluate medical information from surviving alien creatures and recovered extraterrestrial bodies. Medical researchers have gotten some answers to the theory of evolution. (OPR: CIA) (Filed 1974)

NRO Project : Organization responsible for the security of extraterrestrials and their vessels (based in Ford Carson, Oregon).

Project JOSHUA : Project responsible for the development of a low-frequency sound-based weapon capable of destroying alien spaceships.

Project SIDEKICK : Another armament project based on the projection of particle rays.

MAGNET project : It dates from 1950 and was intended to study the theories on magnetism in relation to UFOs.

JEHOVAH Project : Project involved in research on UFO physics.

Project SILVER BUG : Project of the US Air Force, its objective was to define the technologies necessary to build a flying saucer and also to know if the Soviets were building flying devices of this form.

POUNCE project : Code name of the project responsible for formalizing all the procedures to be followed in the event of recovery after a crash.  

LOOKING GLASS project : Project related to time travel (technology acquired by a class of UFOs.) 

Project CRYSTAL KNIGHT : (Project SERPO) alleged exchange program between the United States and extraterrestrial visitors to the Zeta star system Reticuli. A team of 12 American soldiers were sent to the planet of extraterrestrial visitors to gather scientific information (1965). Two members would have died during the mission and two others would have chosen to remain on the planet Serpo (1978). This project supposedly evolved as a result of contact between United States authorities and extraterrestrial victims of an accident in New Mexico in 1947.

 GARNET Project : Investigate the influence of extraterrestrials on human evolution.

LUNA Project : Code name for the extra-terrestrial base on the moon that was observed and filmed by Apollo astronauts. This base is a mining operation using very large machines with huge extraterrestrial vessels described in sighting reports as Motherships. 

Project SIGN : First project collecting information on UFOs. His conclusions are based on a starting postulate, according to which UFOs cannot exist. His motto was "whatever you see or hear, don't believe it!"

Project GRUDGE : Project that took over from the SIGN project. Its purpose was to deny the existence of UFOs. It was to take place in two phases: first to find a more or less valid explanation for each case of observation, and then to bring the solution to the knowledge of the public.

Project BLUE BOOK : Project launched by the US Air Force aiming to make the "official update" on UFOs. 13,000 reports did not prevent the US Air Force from declaring that UFOs do not exist.

REVELATION project :

The Project makes nearly 500 pages of official testimony and over 4 hours of video available to members of Congress and the media. A wealth of information is presented, including the existence of 57 humanoid extraterrestrial species or races listed and classified since 1989 by military scientists and the revelation that some of these extraterrestrials are so similar to humans, that 'they have been among us for a long time without our realizing it. 

Type Security Clearance: Ryolite 38

Type Security Clearance: Cosmic Top Secret

Clearance security type: Majic

Security clearance type: Need to Know

Security clearance type: Above Top Secret

Security clearance type: Umbra ultra

Security clearance type: Keystone

Security clearance type: Secretum Omega