Spreadsheet Instructions

WHat it is

The Community Spreadsheet represents the Tupelo Mutual Aid Project's first endeavor to bring our community together. The spreadsheet is designed to track needs within our community and organize the effort to provide for those needs. It contains a safe space for people to request help, as well as a practical workspace where the community's growing needs are updated in real-time.

TIP: The Community Spreadsheet is best viewed on a laptop or desktop computer. The best option for viewing the spreadsheet on a phone is the Google Sheets app, with the browser coming in second. In both cases, it is best to hold your phone in landscape configuration. Glitches have been reported when viewed in Drive.

The Layout

The spreadsheet is separated into several tabs, which are located at either the top or the bottom of the screen. Each tab is dedicated to a specific area of need (housing, travel, food, etc.) and contains a "Need" column for listing the things our community members currently need, as well as an "Offer" column for listing goods/services that you would be willing to provide.

NOTE: The first tab of the Community Spreadsheet, Instructions & Announcements, is a Staff Only document. In order to ensure that our instructions, links, and resources remain intact, it is not editable by the public, but community members are encouraged to submit content suggestions.

How to Use It

Posting Needs & Offers

Open the Community Spreadsheet and click on the tab that corresponds to your need or offer. Click on the first available line in the appropriate column and enter your request. It's that simple.

Matching Needs & Offers

Before you post a listing, it's a good idea to read over the listings already present in that tab. If you find a "match", contact that person and arrange a way for you to help each other. TMAP encourages open and direct communication between community members, so you don't need to alert Staff before making contact.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are uncomfortable sharing your contact information for any reason, we will post anonymously for you, no questions asked. Just email tupelomutualaid@gmail.com.

Keep it Current!

Once a need or offer has been met, please return to the spreadsheet and delete any information that is no longer relevant. Ongoing needs (weekly travel requests, standing offers, etc.) do not need to be deleted, but Staff may contact you occasionally to confirm that the listing remains relevant.