Crisis Resources


CDC COVID-19 Homepage

Includes a host of information and resources accessible through the sidebar.

Coronavirus Resource Kit

The most comprehensive source for crisis preparation and management we've seen thus far.

Safety Practices for COVID-19 Mutual Aid Groups

A must-read item for anyone who wants to get involved with TMAP during this crisis.

Meeting Your needs

Where to find meals for students

A Daily Journal list of schools and organizations feeding students in North Mississippi.

Navajo Flatbread Recipe

Five ingredients, costs pennies per serving.

The Tupelo/Lee County Hunger Coalition

This wonderful group is still active during the crisis.

Feed Tupelo will supply 20k meals

Daily Journal reports they will supply 20k meals in the next 14 days

Education Opportunities

Mrs. Brown's Google Classroom - Grades 3-5

Enter code: 5kcazmz to find local teacher Melissa Brown's virtual classroom.

Work Packets - Grades 1-8

Educational content for elementary and middle school students.

Amazing Educational Resources - All Ages

Very similar to the Community Spreadsheet, run by educators nationwide.

Family Guides for Student Success

From the Mississippi Department of Education.

Family Resources

Helping Homebound Children During an Outbreak

From the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress.

Finding the Right Words to Talk to Kids & Teens about COVID-19

From the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress.

Caring from a distance

The rules of social distancing

Vox lays out the dos, don'ts, and ethical questions of social distancing as part of their Guide to COVID-19.

Behavioral Health during an Outbreak

The SAMHSA guide to minimizing the effects of social distancing, quarantine, and isolation on mental health.

Flatten the Curve

Do your part to minimize the outbreak.

Domestic Violence & Abuse

A resource for family and friends of victims.

Lending a hand

Facemask Pattern for the Crafty

Sew your own facemasks using the best fabrics for the job.

Disease Prevention Posters and Handouts

From the Mississippi Department of Health. Also in Spanish and Vietnamese.

Printable COVID-19 Resource Kit

From the CDC

Boredom Cures

Indie Artist Roster

West Point filmmaker Michael Williams' list of Mississippi artists and their work.

Stay at Home Fest

An online music festival and event calendar. Bless the people who did this.

Netflix Watch Parties

When all else night.

Billboard's list of virtual concerts

Updated daily!