Unit Values

All Units Values (Full version and based on rarity, value of gems and coins and units (and value stats)

(Units option is invalid right now, doing those offers for your rn units is an L so we are working on it!) (please use gems and coins value in the moment)

Value News: Big Deflation is Happening due to the new Injured Titans Crate being not balanced by the Original Value.

Looking for Unit Stats and Strength? It is not here but in the units button on the home page or click here!

Here are tips in Value List 

(Low - Some players or they dont want it) (Mid - Average Amount of players wants to offer) (High - Many Players will offer for this unit, even good or bad)

Stable - Nothing will happen to the value (even days and hours)

Unstable - Many changes will occur to the value overtime.

Check what's happening in Values Daily in Value News!

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