Car Speakerman

Car Speakerman is an Uncommon Unit from the Main Crate

Rarity: Uncommon

Family: Speakers

Difficulty on getting it: EZ PZ 

Appearance in the Skibidi Toilet Series: Since Episode 25


Attack Style:

Upgrades: EZ PZ TO MAX

Upgrade Costs: 250 (To Place Down) >  250 (Upgrade to Level 2) > 500 (Upgrade to Level 3)

How it attacks: He rams / bumps in the toilets and does high damage but cooldown is low

Damage: 80 > 150 > 300

Raw DPS: 26.7 > 75 > 300

Accurate DPS: 0 > 0 > 300

Cooldown: 3 > 2 > 1

Range: 10 > 15 > 20

Rank: 2/10



-First Unit to do ram attack damage