Player Ranks

What are Player Ranks?

This are ranks that players get, and the requirements of it, they have also special perks so they can enjoy the game more

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Player (Normal)

You get this by joining the game for the first time and your regonised as a player, you can play the game and do anything there but cant do other things that players that has high rank can do.

Chat Tag Preview: [ToiletMan]: Hi

Requirements: Play the Game


This players have perks to Have a vip chat tag when chatting to players in the Roblox Chat UI, They have VIP, It doesnt have a lot of perks right now but they will add more perks very soon!

Chat Tag Preview: [VIP][KeremyPlayz]: Hi

Requirements: VIP Gamepass for 299 Robux

Partner 🔥🔥

This type of players are very special, they are also famous youtubers too. This type of players can sign units and have a rainbow tag of the partner's username. They are also regonized by the Tower Defense Community. Also this people are being begged alot.

Chat Tag Preview: [Partner][ToiletMan]: Hi

Requirements: 10k Subscribers on Youtube, Or 50k Followers on Tiktok, and should make toilet tower defense content.

If you got this requirements click here (its closed for the moment)


This are not even players anymore, they are helpful parts of the development team, they can also sign units, and they also sometimes troll players for a video (if they want too), they are also friends with Telanthric (The Owner), Also can do admin commands

Chat Tag: ???

Requirements: ???


This are players that makes the game, does frequent updates,and script the game to work well, they are the highest rank of players in the game, they can do admin commands, they are also the important players to make the game alive and work well.

Chat Tag: [Developer🛠][Telanthric]: Me have sword

Requirements: ???

Players That got High Ranks

Partner Tags:

All Youtubers with 10k subs

Contributor Tag:


Developer Tag: