Raw Units Stats

Here are the list of units, values (based on units value and is not full), rank, stats, and more!

(Some information is from other websites in the internet and in game)

(This Information is Outdated in the moment, this is only for Raw Stats

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Units Color = Rarity

Common - Gray

Uncommon - Green

Rare - Blue

Epic - Purple

Legendary - Yellow

Mythical - Red

More about this rarity

Common units are the weakest and they are starter units

Uncommon units are starter units and are also easy to get (better than common)

Rare units are better than starter units

Epic units does alot of damage and has few expensive upgrades (totally worth it!)

Legendary units does insane damage and early defense ones  like Ninja Cameraman and Dark speaker are totally worth it at the beginning

Mythical Units does really insane damage, attack cooldown, aoe damage, but super expensive to Upgrade (But its totally worth it!)

Godly Units are extremely overpowered and they are for late game but extremely expensive to upgrade (Very Worth it)

 Common Units

Common Units are the weakest and the easiest units to get in toilet tower defense, they are very cheap to upgrade and to max it. (They can be called Basic Units)

Chance On Getting: 50%

Camerawoman - Common

Description: Uses a revolver to attack toilets in her range, she is the most exist unit on the game, But better than the default speakerman.

Placement Cost: 80$

Damage: 80 --> 120 -> 200

DPS: 16.6 ---> 60 ---> 200

Attack Cooldown: 3 ----> 2 ----> 1

Upgrades: Level 2: 150$, Level 3: 300$ (MAX)

Rank: 2/10

Range: 8 ---> 15

Value: 15 Coins = Uncommons

Sell Amount: 5$

Tradable: Yes

Rarity / Exist: 150M+

Speakerman - Common

Description: Attacks toilets by punching them, your first unit when playing the game.

Placement Cost: 100$

Damage: 20 ---> 50 ----> 100

DPS: 20 ----> 80-90 ---> 200

Attack Cooldown: 1 ---> 0.7 ---> 0.5

Rank: 2/10

Range: 5 ---> 10

Value: Around epics, legendary, and mythicals (Player Choice)

Sell Amount: 5$ (First Speakerman non)


Rarity/ Exists: 25M+

Uncommon Units

Uncommon units are the 2nd weakest unit and they do more damage than common units, but still, its weak and is also cheap to upgrade.

Chance on Getting: 30%


Description: Uses a pistol to attack toilets in his range

Placement Cost: 100$

Damage: 30 --> 50 ---> 100

DPS: 30 ---> 100 ---> 250

Attack Cooldown: 1 ----> 0.8 ----> 0.4

Rank: 3/10

Range: 7 ---> 15

Value: Uncommons and Rare Units (Around 30-50 coins)

Sell amount: 15$

Rarity/Exists: 30M+

Car Speakerman

Description: An Uncommon unit that uses a toilet car to bump into the toilets doing many damage but a low cooldown.

Placement Cost: 150$



Attack Cooldown: 3 ---> 2 ----> 1

Rank: 3.5/10

Range: 8 ---> 12

Value: Rare Units (40-50 coin Value)

Sell amount: 15$

Rarity/Exist: 40M+

  Rare Units

Rare units are units that are slightly weak and they are the 1st weakest aoe units in the game. They also do more damage the uncommons and commons.

Chance on Getting: 30%


Description: Uses radiation light to attack enemies, and does aoe damage but short range. But Cant attack glass toilet... Useless Unit for them...

Placement Cost: 200$

Damage: 30 ---> 50 ---> 75 ---> 100

DPS: 30 ---> 200 ---> 400 ---> 500

Rank: 3.6/10

Range: 6 ---> 7 ---> 8 ---> 10

Value: Rare Units and Medic Cameraman (50+ value)

Sell Amount: 25$

Rarity: 25M+

Brown Cameraman

Description: Do not let him get into his villain arc.

Placement Cost: 150$

Damage: 75 ---> 100 ---> 150

DPS: 75 ---> 200 ---> 360 ---> 750

Rank: 4.2/10

Range: 10 ---> 12 ---> 15 ---> 18 

Value: Uncommons, Rares, and Epics

Sell Amount: 25$

Rarity: Uncommons and Rares / or epics

Speaker Helicopter (Speaker Heli)

Description: Uses Sound and Shockwave to do damage to the toilets, and it is levitating not that high and does aoe damage

Placement Cost: 150$

Damage: 20 ---> 40 ---> 60----> 80

DPS: 40 ---> 80 ---> 200 ----> 400

Rank: 4.5/10

Range: 10 ---> 12 ---> 15 ---> 18

Value: Uncommons, Rares, and Epics

Sell Amount: 25$

Rarity: 25M+

Monster Speakerman (Halloween Event Unit 2023)

Description: Uses his speaker to do aoe damage and its range is almost the same range as titan tv man

Placement Cost: 300$

Damage: 400 ----> 500 ---> 750 ---> 1K

DPS: 200 ---> 333.33 ---> 750 ---->  2K

Rank: 7/10

Range 18 ----> 20 ---> 22 ----> 25

Value: Legendaries, Exclusives, Mythics

Sell Amount: 25$

Rarity: 4-30K+

Large Speakerman

Description: Punches toilets like normal speakerman but has more range and more damage.

Placement Cost: 180$

Damage: 100 ---> 250 ---> 400 ---> 600

DPS: ----> 900

Rank: 5/10

Range - 8 ---> 10.5 ----> 12.5 ---> 15

Value: Uncommons and Epic

Sell Amount: 25$

Rarity: 24M+

  Epic Units

Epic units are units that are kind of good for soloing easy or medium mode, they do more damage and they are slightly expensive than rare units.

Chance: 4% 8% 16%

Large Cameraman

Description: Uses a rifle to shoot at the toilets, it does big range and insane cooldown at max!

Placement Cost: 200$

Damage:  ----> 50 -----> 100 ---> 150 ----> 100

DPS: 100 ---> 400 ----> 750 ---> 1K

Rank: 6.5/10

Range: 12 ---> 20 ---> 22 ----> 24

Value: Rares and Legends (if given much)

Sell Amount: 50$

Rarity: 15M+

Large TV man

Description: Uses white light to do aoe damage to the toilets, this time more range and damage... But Cant attack glass toilet... Useless Unit for them...

Placement Cost: 400$

Damage:  40 ----> 50 ---> 75 ---> 100

DPS: 120 ----> 200 ----> 300-400 ----> 500 ----> 1000

RANK: 6.9/10

Range: 10 ---> 12 -----> 14 ----> 15 ----> 20 (15 MAX WAS THE DAMAGE BEFORE OF RANGE, BEFORE BUFF)

Value: Rares, Epics, And Legendaries 

Sell Amount: 50$

Rarity: 12M+

Old Large TV Man Logo

Survillance Camerawoman

Description: Girl with aimbot...

Placement Cost: 200$

Damage:    50 ---> 100 ---> 200 ----> 300

DPS: 50 ----> 125 ----> 333 ----> 750

RANK: 6.8/10

Range: 20 ----> 30 ----> 40 ----> 50  

Value: Rares, Epics, And Legendaries 

Sell Amount: 50$

Rarity: 12M+

Camera Helicopter (Camera Heli)

Description: Summoner Units that drop cameraman... Best Epic... But Titan Cameraman Summons doesnt make sens-

Placement Cost: 200$

Cooldown: 24 ---> 23 ---> 22 ---> 21  ----> 20

Spawns: Cameraman (Level 1 and 2) ----> Large Cameraman (Level 3 and 4) ----> Titan Cameraman (MAX LEVEL)


DPS: 200 ---> 500 ----> 2K

RANK: 7.5/10

VALUE: Epics and Legends

Sell Amount: 50$

Rarity: 10-20M+



Placement Cost: 300$

Cooldown: 4 ---> 3 ----> 2 ----> 1

Range: 5 ----> 10 ----> 15 ----> 30


VALUE: Rares and Epics. (Lowest Value Epic)


Sell Amount: 50$

Rarity: 10-20M+

Rocket Launcher Cameraman (Or Large Cameraman)

Description: LARGE CAMERAMAN WITH THE RPG 🗿🗿🗿🗿 (First Splash Damage AOE unit) (HE HAS A JETPACK TOO)

Placement Cost: 250$

Damage:  500 ----> 1K ----> 1.5K ----> 2K

DPS: 166.6 ---> 500 ----> 1.6-1.8K ----> 2K

RANK: 7.3-7.5/10


Value: Epics and Legendaries 

Sell Amount: 50$

Rarity: Epic

Pumpkin Farmer (Halloween Event Unit 2023)

Description: Has Pumpkin crops and will improve over time by upgrading him

Placement Cost: 200$

Money Given Per Wave: 100 -----> 150 -----> 200 -----> 250 -----> 500

Rank: 8/10 (For Farming) (Better than Scientist because you can place 5 and you only need 1.5k to max upgrade it.) (Scientist Cameraman + Pumpkin Farmer is an overpowered farming method)

Value: Legendaries and Exclusives

Sell Amount: 50$

Rarity: 50K+

Attack Camera Helicopter

Description: Camera Helicopter with Rockets! (Splash Damage Unit too)

Placement Cost: 200$

Damage:  200 ----> 300 ---> 400 ---> 500

DPS: 100 ---> 250 ---> 400 ---> 1K

RANK: 7.4/10


Value: Epics and Legendaries 

Sell Amount: 50$

Rarity: 140K+

 Legendary      Units

Legendary Units are the units that are slightly overpowered, there are alot of legendary units, and they are one of the best units in the game, first being mythicals.

Chance: 1% 2% 4% 

Titan Speakerman

Description: Shoots Lasers to attack toilets, the first f2p titan and the first legendary in the game

Placement Cost: 500$

Damage: 100 ----> 200 ----> 450 ---> 1000 ----> 2000

DPS: 100 ---> 250 ----> 700-900 ----> 2K ----> 5K

Rank: 7.5/10

Range: 15 ---->20 ----> 25 ----> 30 ----> 35

Value: Epics and Legends

Rarity: 500K+

Ninja Cameraman (Plunger Cameraman)

Description: Uses Plunger to do High Damage and Cheap to Upgrade

Placement Cost: 200$

Damage: 100 ---> 150 ---> 300 ---> 500 --->800

DPS: 100 ---> 215 ---> 600 ---> 1K ---> 2K

Rank: 7.2/10

Range: 10 ----> 15 ---> 20 ----> 21-25 ----> 30

Value: Epics

Rarity: 450K+

Dark Speakerman

Description: Like all normal speakerman, pucnhes and does slightly high Damage and more cheaper to Upgrade than ninja cameraman.

Placement Cost: 150$

Damage: 80 -----> 150 ----->200 ---> 300 

DPS: 80 ----> 170 -----> 300 ----> 500-1K ---> 1.5K

Rank: 7/10

Range: 10 ----> 15 ---> 20 ----> 21-25 ----> 30

Value: Epics

Rarity: 300-400K+

Mech Cameraman

Description: Uses Different Weapons that are found in his 4 mechanical claws and a scientist cameraman controlling it.

Placement Cost: 400$

Damage: 300 ---> 400 ---> 840 ----> 1442.9 ----> 1200

DPS: 150 ----> 400 -----> 1.05K ----> 4.15083K ---> 6K

Rank: 7.5/10

Range: 8 ----> 12 ----> 20 -----> 40 ----> 50

Value: Epics or Better or Lower Type Legendaries

Rarity: 450K+

Jetpack Speakerman (Upgraded Dark Speakerman) (Very New!!)

Description: Attacks from the skies by punching.

Placement Cost: 250$

Damage: 300 ---> 600 ---> 800 ----> 1.5K ---> 2.5K ----> 3.5K

DPS: 150 ---> 300-350 ----> 800 ----> 1.5K -----> 2.7-3K ----> 7K

Rank: 7.9/10

Range: 15 ----> 20 ----> 25 ---> 30 ----> 40 ----> 45

Value: Epics and Legends

Rarity: 25-35K+

Laser Cameraman Car 

Description: Uses Lasers from the front of the Large Cameraman's Car

Placement Cost: 300$

Damage: 100 ---> 250 ---> 500 ----> 800 ---> 1.4K

DPS: 100 ----> 500 -----> 1.20K ----> 4K ---> 7K

Rank: 7.4/10

Range: 15 ----> 20 ---> 25 ----> 40 (LEVELS BEFORE THE MAX AND THE MAX)

Value:  Better or Lower Type Legendries

Rarity: 420K+

 Dancing Speakerwoman (Speakerwoman)

Description: Kicks toilets and does insane damage but less cool down.

Placement Cost: 300$

Damage: 600 ---> 1K ----> 3K ----> 5K

Rank: 7.5/10

Range: 8 ----> 10 ---> 12 ----> 15

Value:  Better or Lower Type Legendries

Rarity: 200K-300K+

Secret Agent

Description: Does insane damage but has a high cooldown and has low range, (strat: use this unit when toilets go too far, dont let them get stunned!)

Placement Cost: 1K$

Damage: 100K ----> 150K ----> 200K


Rank: 7.4/10

Range: 15 ----> 20 ---> 25 ----> 40 (LEVELS BEFORE THE MAX AND THE MAX)

Value:  Better or Lower Type Legendries

Rarity: 300-400K+

Titan TV man

Description: Uses Red Light to attack toilets, this titan cant even kill glass toilet 💀, but its aoe!

Placement Cost: 1K$

Damage: 200 ----> 300 ---> 450 ---> 600 --->800 ----> 900

DPS: 200 ---> 300 ---> 900 ---> 1.2K ----> 2K ---> 4.5K

Rank: 7.4/10

Range: 15 ----> 20 ---> 25 ----> 40 (LEVELS BEFORE THE MAX AND THE MAX)

Value:  Better or Lower Type Legendries

Rarity: 420K+

Sinister Cameraman (Halloween Event 2023)

Description: Cameraman using an axe to attack toilets

Placement Cost: 400$

Damage: 500 ---> 1K ---> 1.5K ----> 2K ----> 3K ---> 4K 

DPS: 500 ---> 1K ----> 1.5-1.6K ----> 4K ----> 5.5K ---> 16K

Rank: 8.5/10

Range: 20 ---> 22 ---> 25 ---> 28 ---> 30 ---> 35


Rarity: 200K-300K+

                      Exclusive Units

This type of units are stronger than legendaries (kinda) and they require robux to get it, and they are limited (according to Telanthric), some of them are crates that uses gacha method. Some units that are exclusives are super rare than mythics!

TV Woman

Description: Uses orange radiation light to attack toilets, it does aoe and fire damage! one of the 2 tv units that can attack glass toilets!

Placement Cost: 300$

Damage: 50 ----> 100 ----> 250 ----> 500

DPS: 50 ----> 150-180 ----> 500 ----> 1K

Rank: 7/10

Range: 8 ----> 10 ----> 12 ----> 14

Value:  1-3 Legendaries (2 Recommended)

Rarity: 340K+

Obtainable: Yes

Titan Cameraman

Description: Blue Lasers from his camera then at his core.

Placement Cost: 750$

Damage: 50 ---> 100 ---> 200 ----> 300 ----> 750

DPS: 200 ----> 500 ---> 1.3K ----> 2.5K ----> 7.5K

Rank: 7.7/10

Range: 30 ---> 35 ----> 45 ---> 50 ----> 55

Value:  2-4 Legendaries (3 Recommended)

Rarity: 497K+

Obtainable: Yes

Scientist Cameraman

Description: Free money after completing waves! 🤑🤑🤑

Placement Cost: 100$

Money Earn: 50 ----> 100 ---> 200 ---> 300 ----> 500 ----> 1K

Placement Amount: 4

Rank: 6.5/10

Range: 0 ---> 0

Value:  1-2 Legendaries

Rarity: 1.24M+

Obtainable: NO

Large Scientist Cameraman

Description: Attacks toilets and heals base 💙

Placement Cost: 300$

Damage: 30 ---> 50 ---> 75 ---> 100

DPS: 60 ----> 100 ---->150  ----> 500 

Base Heal Per wave: 5 ---> 10 ---> 15 ----> 20

Rank: 7/10

Range: 8 ----> 10 ----> 12 ----> 14

Value:  2 Legendaries

Rarity: 340K+

Obtainable: NO

Engineer Cameraman

Description: Spawns toilets and tanks (Electromagnetic Parasite Disabling Tank)

Placement Cost: 200$

Damage: 0 ---> 2K

Health: 500 ---> 1K ----> 5K -----> 15K ---->20K ---> 50K

Summons: Camera Rover ----> Camera Toilet ----> Large Camera Toilet ----> Electromagnetic Parasite Disabling Tank (Upgraded Anti-Parastic Tank)

Rank: 8.6/10

Range: 0

Value:  4-8 Mythics

Rarity: 20K+

Obtainable:  NO

Scientist TV Man

Description: Unit that spawns / places barriers and turrets on the path to block and attack toilets!

Placement Cost: 200$

Damage: 100 ---> 200 ----> 250 ---> 1K --- 5K

Health: 1K ---> 2.5K ---> 5K ---> 10K ---> 25K ---> 50K ---> 100K

Summons: Wall Barrier (Normal Barrier) ----> Cameraman Barrier ---> Dual Cameraman Barrier ---> Triple Cameraman Barrier ----> Tall Cameraman Barrier ---> Upgraded Tall Cameraman Barrier ---> Minigun Launcher Turret Barrier (Ultimate Cameraman Barrier)

Rank: 8.6/10

Range: 0

Trivia: The only unit that cant be selled (when placing it at that area its permanent) Telanthric said this because of players can sell then place it again. Its just op if it works like that.

Value:  4-8 Legendaries

Rarity: 10-30K+

Obtainable:  Yes (299 Robux)

Camera Repair Drone

Description: Spawns toilets and tanks (Electromagnetic Parasite Disabling Tank)

Placement Cost: 200$

Damage: 0 ---> 2K

Health: 500 ---> 1K ----> 5K -----> 15K ---->20K ---> 30K-40K

Summons: Camera Rover ----> Camera Toilet ----> Large Camera Toilet ----> Electromagnetic Parasite Disabling Tank (Upgraded Anti-Parastic Tank)

Rank: 8.5/10 (For Healing)

Range: 0

Value:  2-4 Mythics

Rarity: 10-30K+

Obtainable: Yes

Jetpack Cameraman

Description: Uses Plungers and fly to do insane damage to the toilets.

Placement Cost: 300$

Damage: 500 ----> 1.5K ----> 2K ----> 4K ----> 5K -----> 10K

DPS: 166 ----> 500 ----> 1K ----> 2K ----> 5K ---> 10K

Rank: 7.95/10

Range: 15 ----> 20 ---> 25 -----> 30 ----> 40 ---> 45

Value:  2-4 Legendaries

Rarity: 350K+

Obtainable: Yes 

Speaker Spider

Description: Its an aoe unit and its a movable unit using his loud sound.

Placement Cost: 200$

Damage: 50 ---> 100 ---> 200 ---> 300 ---> 400

DPS: 50 ---> 120 ---> 240 ---> 750 ---> 2K

Rank: 6.8/10

Range: 10 ---> 12---> 15 ----> 18 ---> 20

Move Range: 30 ---> 40

Value:  2 Legendaries

Rarity: 3?

Obtainable: Yes 

Camera Spider

Description: Using lasers and miniguns to damage the toilets, it also moves like the speaker spider.

Placement Cost: 300$

Damage: 100 ---> 200 ----> 300 ---> 333.7 ----> 900

DPS: 200 ---> 320 ---> 1.2K ----> 3.33K ----> 9K

Rank: 8.2/10


Move Range: 30 ---> 40 ---> 50

Value:  3-5 Legendaries

Rarity: 350K+

Obtainable: Yes 

TV Spider

Description: Does Insane Damage and AOE and has a big move range. (Can attack glass toilet like tv woman)

Placement Cost: 400$

Damage: 500 ---> 600 ---> 800 ---> 1K ---> 1.4K ---> 1.8K ---> 2K

DPS: 250 ---> 400 ---> 800 ---> 1.2K ---> 1.5-2K ---> 2.9K ---> 10K

Rank: 7.3/10

Range: 10 ---> 12---> 18 ---> 22 ---> 30

Move Range: 20 ---> 30 ---> 40 ---> 50

Value:  2-4 Legendaries

Rarity: 1K-2K

Obtainable: Yes 

Mythical Units

They are the rarest free to play units in the game, they are extremly overpowered and they can do very insane damage. They are the first strongest units in Toilet Tower Defense

UTS - (Upgraded Titan Speakerman)

Description: Titan with 2 blasters and has aoe range using fire... not even his speakers bruh 💀💀💀.

Placement Cost: 1K$

Damage: 500 ---> 1K ----> 2.3K ----> 3.5K ----> 4.8K

DPS:  500 ---> 1.25K ---> 3.8833K ---> 7K ---> 12K

Rank: 9/10

Range: 20 ----> 25 ---> 30 ----> 35 ----> 45


Rarity: 110K+

UTC - (Upgraded Titan Cameraman)

Description: Uses Miniguns, Laser Core, And Core Fire, Insane Damage, High Range, and slows and burns toilets down (Like TV Woman)

Placement Cost: 1.5K$

Damage: 200 ----> 550 ---> 900 ---> 1.5K ----> 2K 

DPS: 800 ----> 2.75K ----> 4.5K ---> 7.5K ---> 10K ---> 20K

Rank: 10/10

Range: 20 ----> 30 ---> 40 ---> 50 ---> 60

Value: 13-18 LEGENDARIES OR 1 MYTHIC + Adds

Rarity: 145K+

Glitch Cameraman (Glitch Ninja Cameraman) 

Description: Uses his glitch toilet to attack toilets very fast cooldown and bumps toilets like car speakerman.

Placement Cost: 500$

Damage: 500 ----> 1K ----> 1.5K ---> 2.5K

DPS: 500 ---> 1K ----> 3K ---> 12.5K

Rank: 8.7/10


Value: 15-21  LEGENDARIES OR 1-2 MYTHIC + Adds

Rarity: 10-20K+

Titan Cinemaman

Description: Uses his radiation but with the help of speakers, (Physics hates Cinemaman still cant destroy glasses like bruh)

Placement Cost: 2K$


DPS:  1K ---> 3K ----> 2K ----> 4K ---> 6K ----> 15K

Rank: 9.7/10

Range: 15 ---> 20 ----> 25 ---> 30 ---> 40

Value: 13-19  LEGENDARIES OR 1 Mythic 

Rarity: 120K+

Corrupted Cameraman (Halloween Event 2023)

Description: DPS IS SO INSANE!!!!!!!!!! Not aoe tho

Placement Cost: 400$

Damage: 2K ----> 3K ---> 4K ---> 2.5K (COOLDOWN LOWERS SO ITS DPS IS BETTER) ----> Lowers cooldown to (0.25) ----> 3K ---> 5K

DPS:  2K ---> 3K ---> 4K ---> 5K --->12.5K ---> 25K

Rank: 10/10

Range: 18 ---> 20 ---> 40 ---> 45 ---> 50

Value: 3-5 Mythics or 15 Exclusives (More answers on the Unit Values List)

Rarity: 1K-2K

Godly Units

This units are hard to get and the are the most rarest units in the game, and they are extremely powerful and they are hard to max them out, They have levels to max between 8-10

Chance to get: (0.01%) (0.02%) (0.04%)

Upgraded Titan Cinemaman


Placement Cost: 3K

Damage: 2K ---> 3.2K ---> 4.2K ---> 5.4K ---> 8K ---> 9.6K ---> 11.7K ---> 14.3K

DPS:  2K ---> 4K ---> 6K ---> 9K ---> 16K ---> 24K  ---> 39K ---> 71K

Range: 20 ---> 25 ---> 30 ---> 35 ----> 50 ---> 55 ---> 60 ---> 65

Rank: 10/10


Value: 4-6 Mythics