The Maze Runner

At first, I had no desire to see "The Maze Runner". Then the public interest and somewhat positive ratings online changed my mind. The acting was great and the story was well adapted and directed. The film will entertain you the first time and it entertained me the second time as well even when you know the secret. This review does contain spoilers so skip to the final paragraph if you haven't see the movie.

The story of this movie does resemble "The Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. The character of Chuck really reminds me of Piggy for example. While there are major differences between the two stories, such as the organization that is already established by the time Thomas arrives, both stories are metaphors for our society. Some people in society are afraid of progress for example. Conspiracy theorists may like that Alby is keeping secret the fact that the runners have mapped the whole maze and can't find a way out. Another allegory may be that of dictatorship versus democracy. In the Glade, everyone has a job and follows the leaders but cannot go into the maze. Alby may have established this kind of society but it is out of necessity. He is freedom-minded because he is always sending out the runners to find a way out but he is still controlled by a dictatorship (WCKD). When Gally is faced with leaving, he realizes that he favors the dictatorship of the maze. While the others verbally acknowledge Alby as the leader, Gally seems to have more control. There should have been a scene where Alby asserts his dominance over Gally. The opening scene of the film is important because we have to see the maze through Thomas' eyes. It is much more dramatic to be in the dark about the situation just like him. The cinematography and editing help to create the confusion of this moment. His curiosity throughout the rest of the show reflects our own. When Thomas and Minho find the door that the Grievers can open, the comedian in me was expecting them to find "the girls' camp across the lake". I did get a real kick out of the exit sign during the climax. The film does contain a plot hole that bothers me. It makes sense how Gally made it into the lab with a key obtained from a newly killed Griever. The question I have is how Gally knew the code. I don't remember him being labeled as a runner unlike Minho. The end of the movie does establish questions for the sequel quite nicely. Because the doctors faked their deaths, we have to ask ourselves whether anything else in the video message was true. Is there a virus? What will Phase Two consist of? This ending plays to everyone; those who have read the books and those who are new to the story. The only name involved in this movie that I recognize is actor Will Poulter from "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader". He appear to be on the path of a great acting career.

Despite all the good points of the "The Maze Runner" such as the acting and adapted story, I didn't really need to see it a second time. I did watch it a second time in order to be up to speed for the sequel. I determined after seeing the original movie for the first time that "The Scorch Trials" would indicate whether "The Maze Runner" is actually any good. While the franchise appears to have flaws, on its own, "The Maze Runner" is decent and maybe worth seeing. What makes the film fun is the plot twist, which is thankfully satisfying. When you know the full story, there is a little less drama and excitement unfortunately.

3 Stars