A fundamental part of earning trust means being clear about how we use your information and protect your
human right to privacy

Airbnb Privacy Policy

I'm sorry Dave

Lack of privacy gives a persuader unseen leverage to destroy personhood.

It's interesting how we name computers like we do humans. They even die when they run out of electrons. It was1968 when Arthur C. Clark and Stanley Kubrick collaborated on the film 2001: A Space Odyssey. In the film, the AI is named HAL (that's "IBM" shifted) and interacts with people in the same way Siri or Alexa might.

HAL (the one with the red eye) operates a critical mission. Unlike the follow-ons the film inspired... humans are not on the bridge driving the ship and HAL decides to go off-road. I start with 2001 because the pivotal scene surprises us with the lethal effects of small - but cumulative - violations of privacy. And he spoke so softly.

The possible destruction of our species because privacy was not proactively designed into the system. In the end, despite MacGyver-like measures to preserve it, privacy is breached, the machine knows all... everybody dies. Ok, that's a lie - but if you haven't seen this classic film (some say best) - I'm not going to clarify. Suffice it to say, Knowledge is power.

Let's bring it down to earth. How does Facebook make money? Do people really give away information about themselves? Where does it go? What is done with it that makes it worth billions of dollars?

Side Note:
Knowledge vs Information

Who Cares ?

a western