Sissinghurst Village

Village Directory

Boys Football Club - John Smith - 01580 712898

Bun Penny Club - Pat Edwards - 01580 712118

Clerk to Cornwallis Trust - Juliet Mellor - 01580 714618

Crafters - Daphne Grounds / Eleanor Hopperton - 01580 713910 / 714112

Cubs - Akela: Jan Ashley - 01580 714988

Scouts - Alex Dawes 01622 299052 Jan Ashley 01580 714988

Flower Show Society - Mitzi Newsom - 01580 712956

Mylkehouse History Group - Bob Sharp - 01580 713495

Primary School - 01580 713895

Tennis Club - Paul Tully - 01580 713461

Church Parish Room Bookings - Sue Crowe - 07751250508 -

Cricket Club - Roger Burgess - 01580 852295

Beavers - Kath Malaugh

Friends of Sissinghurst Church - Peter Mellor - 01580 715860 -

Village Hall (St George's) - Ursula O'Connor - 01580 713938

Annual Village Events

August Bank Holiday

    • Village Fete - St Georges Field

August Bank Holiday Monday. Donations on entry. In aid of the Village Organisation and the St George's Institute refurbishment.

Milk Fest - August Bank Holiday Weekend

A full fat festival of food & music for all the family.