Partners and Charities

Cornwallis Trust

The land on which Trinity Church and the School were built was donated by the Cornwallis family and they also built 1 and 2 School Cottages (next to Rankins) to house the school teachers. By the mid 1980s the teachers no longer wanted to live in the cottages so they were sold and a trust was set up. Small grants are given each year to teenagers, who either live in the village or who have attended the Primary school for a minimum of 2 years, to help them as they enter further education such as university or some form of tertiary education.

For further details contact Mrs Mellor by emailing

Weald Family Hub

There is an epidemic of mental ill health amongst young people today. Research from Public Health England suggests that 1 in 10 young people have a diagnosed mental illness. 1 in 10 self harm. 75% of those who need professional support will not receive it.

Locally, many of us have been personally affected by the issues of mental illness, anxiety and self harm amongst our own children, and those of friends and school mates. We know that these issues can only be faced and overcome as a community - no individual person or group has the whole answer. The Weald Family Hub is a local community response to this challenge. It brings local churches, schools and individuals together with Fegans, a highly respected charity that specialises in working with teenage mental illness.

The Hub will do two things: first to raise money to subsidise local schools to be able to access counselling for children who are in need of expert support; secondly to run a variety of parent support schemes to help parents and families as we bring children up in a complex and rapidly changing world.