VBC Webinars

by R-IV PHTC | Aug 10, 2020 | Training hosted by the Center for Healthy Communities and Center for Workforce Development

This is the first in a series of two webinars about Values Based Care.

Recorded Value Based Care 101 will be presented by Michaelle Gady, JD, President and CEO of Atromitos, LLC, Peter Freeman, Senior Consultant at Atromitos, and Sarah Jagger, Vice President of Operations at Atromitos. This is a one-hour presentation followed by 30-minutes of Q&A.

by R-IV PHTC | Aug 10, 2020 | Training hosted by the Center for Healthy Communities and Center for Workforce Development

This is the second in a series of two webinars about Value Based Care.

Recorded Value Based Care 201 will be presented by Michaelle Gady, JD, President & CEO of Atromitos, LLC, Peter Freeman, Senior Consultant at Atromitos, and Sarah Jagger, Vice President of Operations at Atromitos. A one hour presentation will be followed by 30 minutes of Q&A.

Medicaid Managed Care Webinar Series for Providers

Training hosted by NCDHHS

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Health Benefits and North Carolina AHEC are offering two monthly evening webinar series to help prepare providers, practice managers, and quality managers for Medicaid Managed Care going live on July 1, 2021. Hosted by Shannon Dowler, MD, Chief Medical Officer of the NC Division of Health Benefits, these two series will feature changing subtopics on Medicaid Managed Care on the first Thursday of each month and clinical quality on the third Thursday of each month through June 2021. Topics will be listed as they become available. EVERY FIRST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH FROM 5:30 TO 6:30 P.M.

Insightful Discussions on Medicaid Transformation

October 29, 2020 l Training hosted by NCDHHS

THE WHAT, WHY, AND HOW OF NORTH CAROLINA MEDICAID TRANSFORMATION: Medicaid is foundational to our social safety net. It plays an integral role in our healthcare system, as the primary payer for long term care and covering more than half of the births in North Carolina. To change such a significant program has major implications for everyone - not just those covered by the program or healthcare providers. Everyone needs to understand how North Carolina's Medicaid program will change in the coming months and what it means for them. he panel includes officials from North Carolina’s Department of Health and Human Services as well as experts from the Atrómitos team that have worked in Medicaid managed care markets across the country, with providers, state agencies, CBOs and other integral stakeholders. Watch the recorded discussion by clicking below.

Understanding North Carolina’s Medicaid Transformation in the Context of Federal Medicaid Regulation

November 2, 2020 l Training hosted by the Center for Healthy Communities

Learning Objectives: In this 90-minute webinar, we will educate participants on:

  • The joint administration of Medicaid and the relationship between federal and state oversight,

  • Federal statutory and regulatory Medicaid managed care requirements,

  • How North Carolina intends to operationalize these requirements under a managed Medicaid program and its 1115 Medicaid Transformation Waiver, and

  • Steps that providers and other stakeholders can take in the coming months to prepare for Medicaid Transformation, which is set to go-live on July 1, 2021.

To access recorded webinar, click button below.

Principles of Effective Negotiations: How to Prepare and Execute a Successful Contract Negotiation

December 1, 2020 l Training hosted by the Center for Healthy Communities

Learning Objectives: In this recorded 90-minute webinar, participants will be educated on:

  • The P.E.N Method of Contracting and the steps to take in each phase,

  • Themes specific to NC Medicaid Transformation contracting and those operational issues likely to be most important to providers, and

  • General negotiation tools, such as planning around your BATNA (Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement) and integrative bargaining (or value creation over value claiming).