Future Perspectives 

Topic 1 - Interaction between involved groups

Interactions between the groups involved in the network is the essence for future success. Currently, we interact by presenting research at online seminars. However, initially we also used Trends in Magnetism to show ongoing research projects or brainstormed project ideas that could be addressed by collaborations between different groups. 

Google Jamboards - Chaired by Ivan Miranda

Group 1 

Group 2 

Topic 2 - Interaction to external stakeholders

As a consortium, we have no connection to external stakeholders. Individual groups, on the other hand, have interactions with various stakeholders. To gain visibility and support as a network we need to reach out to external stakeholders, the experience of some groups and members can help to build connections. However, every network or project is different, thus the questions below can help to identify the needs of the Trends in Magnetism consortium.

Google Jamboard - Chaired by Heike Herper

Group 1 

Group 2

Topic 3 - Education

We do not yet have any educational aspect within our activities, but funding possibilities like the VR center of excellence support stronger future ambitions in this direction. Furthermore, educational aspects can be used to fund in some ways activities of the trends in magnetism.

In relation to topic 2:

Google Jamboard - Chaired by Nezhat Pournaghavi

Group 1

Group 2

Topic 4 - Future financial support

At the current level, there is no permanent financial support of building a Swedish consortium in magnetism research. In the past, the interaction efforts were paid by some selected groups only. For the conference, we could for the first time convince a funder (Carl Tryggers stiftelse) to support the idea of a national connected research consortium. Other efforts, like the VR center of excellence, suffered from proper support, in particular when smaller universities were involved. 

Google Jamboard - Chaired by Attila Szilva

Group 1 

Group 2

Topic 5 - Organisation and Expansion of existing Trends in Magnetism Activities

Trends in Magnetism started as a local effort, hosted by Uppsala University and in particular by only selected departments working actively on physics. During the pandemic and increasing activities online, the trends in magnetism activities became (ir)regular Zoom meetings which allowed to include more groups from different universities into the activities. However, we always failed in motivation to volunteer for presentations at the digital meetings or, more recently, slow response and late mind changes often ended in meeting canclings.  

Google Jamboard -  Chaired by Danny Thonig

Group 1

Group 2