Transgender Life Support Meeting Information

Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to be your self or live openly or authentically. You decide how, where and when based on what’s right for you.

Meeting Schedule

  • We are currently meeting IN PERSON on Tuesdays and VIRTUAL on Thursdays.

  • In Person - We meet every Tuesday from 7-9pm EST at Affirmations in Ferndale.

  • Virtual - We meet every Thursday from 7-9pm EST on Discord

  • Please use the linked Discord Instructions for a guide on how to access the Discord server and group

Mission Statement

Transgender Life Support – Mission Statement

Offering support, education, resources and a social structure for Transgender Individuals. Our group will continue to make a concerted effort to include Trans People and Allies from all points on the Gender Spectrum to help insure and expand our base.

Transgender Life Support is a structured 2 hour session with the first hour consisting of introductions of all the attendees along with the opportunity for anyone present, to “bring to the table” any questions and/or concerns that may be affecting their lives. A major objective of the group is to address the concerns of new and/or searching members who are trying to find out how, where or if they should begin transition.

We provide a “mentoring system” for those in the midst of their transition so that they always have a friendly, supportive and confidential contact to talk to if they wish. Unfortunately, once the meeting ends, many individuals are left to deal with their struggles on their own whether they are prepared to or not.

We continue to compile and update a data base of therapists, doctors and aestheticians (electrolysis, hair, skin, etc.) who are supportive and experienced in dealing with our special issues.

The second hour consists of guest speakers, or topically centered round table discussions. Additionally we are always open to new ideas or suggestions to improve the group’s mission and services provided to our community.

We strive to offer a safe, educational and enjoyable experience for all who attend. As with all such groups at Affirmations confidentiality and respect will be maintained.

We meet every Tuesday at the Affirmations Community Center from 7-9 PM.

Group Guidelines

  1. CONFIDENTIALITY is important.

  2. This is an opportunity to share. Please speak from your own experience, using - I Statements - rather than giving advice or making generalized statements such as - everybody feels

  3. Respect the feelings and sharing of others. Disagreements are allowed if statements are made in constructive and supportive ways. Personal attacks, cutting remarks, non-constructive criticisms and the like ARE NOT ALLOWED!

  4. Be considerate by not dominating the discussion and by letting others finish their statements

  5. Address your remarks to the entire group because what you say is important to everyone. DO NOT engage in sub-group discussions, especially when others are speaking.


  • What brought you to this group? Give a brief description as to why you came

    • Tell us of a good interaction you had with a family member or friend

    • My friend (or family member) did.

  • The best thing that happened to me was.

Meeting Rules

Phone Policy: TLS is a group for SUPPORT above all, and spending the meeting on your phone or devices, reading the paper, eating a full meal, doing crafts projects, engaging in side conversation, or strolling in and out of the room repeatedly does not convey support for our members. Please afford every member of the group your full attention as they will do for you.

Attendance Expectations: To stand up and exit en-masse as soon as you and your friends are finished speaking is incredibly disrespectful. We expect members to reciprocate the attention and compassion they are shown by others.

Confidentiality: What folks say in group is very important and often incredibly emotional, and it hurts us as facilitators to know that our members feel invalidated by the lack of respect.

TLS remains committed to inclusion and providing a safe and respectful space for all members as they share their experiences coming out and navigating the world as transgender individuals.