Tips for Coming out at Work

Tips for Coming Out at Work

This is only a guide based on the experience of others in our community who came out at work successfully. Depending on your circumstances, you may try another course of action.

  1. If you’re new at your job, wait at least 6 months before coming out. Give the company a chance to get to know your performance, i.e. a valued employee.

  2. Approach you immediate supervisor/manager only if you are sure they will be receptive to your situation.

  3. If not, go to Human Resources. Note: depending on the company culture, even if your boss is receptive, going to Human Resources may be the proper way company policy wise.

  4. Do not assume that your company will understand how to handle your coming out. You may have to guide them in this.

  5. Have a time-line in place before you make your announcement. Things can always change as you move along with your transition, but have an initial plan.

  6. If you have any doubts about how to roll this out, bring another member of the community with you who has come out at their company. They can help to educate your boss/HR in the steps to be taken to help insure a smooth transition.

  7. Have a list of resources in case you are asked to provide more information; i.e. WPATH, HRC, etc.

  8. Although you may be doing the guiding behind the scenes, let HR or your boss take the lead in this. It is important that the other employees in the company know that management is fully supportive of your transition.

  9. Remember that during this initial process your managers and co-workers will slip and use your old name or gender. Firm but gentle rules the day in correcting this, don’t fly off the handle. You’ll know if it’s an innocent mistake or a jab. Jabs are dealt with by HR.

  10. Above all, have PATIENCE! Remember the folks you work for and with will need time to come to terms with your transition.