2023 TrainForTRI Endurance Swim Challenge 

Welcome to TrainForTRI's 2023 Endurance Swim challenge. You can register as an individual participant or pull a few swim buddies together as a team.  You'll have all year to achieve your endurance goal, so pick the distance that will push your limits and keep you accountable for the year ;) TrainForTRI will help you along the way with swim indoor and outdoor programs and workouts. 

Results will be manually entered and tracked online. To record distances; you simply select your name from a drop down list and enter your distance in meters. EASY!! Individual and Team progress will increase with each entry. This will be an honour system. No pulling your hair out and uploading your Garmin or Strava results. (BUT I will be watching and checking lol)  You'll have access to the site once January 1, 2023 kicks in. Swim total results will be displayed weekly. Also a monthly total for each category will be provided.

Registration Details


More Division Details:

1500m Elite Category is based on 1:40 or less/100m

This is a great opportunity for those who are new to open water swimming or those who aren't yet comfortable to take part in the larger swims on Wednesday evenings. During this swim which takes place on Thursday evenings you have the chance to be taken out "one on one" with one of the TrainForTri coaches or even in a very small group. The coaches are there to take you out and they have the safety equipment to make OWS a great experience. Email Jeff Pawley directly for questions or interest:  jeff.trainfortri@gmail.com.

Series information:

The fee is $55 

