We are...
TRAIL ADAMS AREA is formed to preserve and promote community trails in and around Adams Township, Butler County Pennsylvania.
To create, identify, protect and promote hiking, biking, and equestrian trails in the Adams Township and surrounding areas, thereby increasing awareness and enjoyment of the Area’s unique geographical features, natural resources and open spaces by residents and visitors to the area.
To create a framework for an interconnected system of trails within the limits of Adams Township and surrounding community boundaries with an eye towards the future and creating an expanded network that will connect to potential or existing trail systems in surrounding communities.
To provide a recreational and educational experience available to all residents and visitors of Adams Township.
To plan, build, map, and maintain trails through reserved open space.
To coordinate with the Township of Adams, neighboring community, county and state officials regarding planning, extension, and linkages to trails in adjoining towns and regional trail systems.
To disseminate information to the public on the availability and proper use of the trails, and publicize the health benefits of walking, hiking, biking and equestrians riding.
To provide access to, and a view of, historical sites not visible from public roads.
President: Leisha Belfiore
Vice President: Heidi Brandon
Treasurer: Leisha Belfiore
Secretary: Kristen Check
Board Members:
Becky Check
Shelley Wood
David Wood
Karen Morrow
Past Members:
Pete Ferraro
Darryl Brandon
Clay Morrow
Tammy Crouthamel
Janel Kasowski
Shannon McCarthy